Page 4 of Her Gentle Daddy
The expression on Zane’s face made Sean feel a bit uneasy. The man was up to something, and he was about to find out what it was. But he was nowhere close to ready for the bomb that Zane dropped in front of him.
“I have a Little that I want you to move into your house.”
He thanked his lucky stars that he didn’t have a tie on because his air was already constricted enough as he processed what Zane said.
“What… what are you talking about?”
This guy has lost it.
“It’s a long story,” Zane said.
Sean gave him a look and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting. He had all day. Zane leaned back in his chair and flipped a pen around in his fingers nervously.
“I hired a new girl as a favor to a friend of mine who owns the same type of club in Reno. He called me and asked me to take her on, but she had to have a job where she worked alone and wasn’t around other people. She comes here during the day when the club is closed to clean.”
Okay, that explained nothing, so he motioned for Zane to continue. Letting out a deep sigh, Zane nodded and continued.
“Raff, my friend in Reno, told me a bit about her which is a big reason as to why I agreed to hire her. She worked for him for four years after he took her in when he found her living on the streets. She has severe anxiety and doesn’t talk a lot. He told me not to ask her a bunch of questions when she came, so I didn’t, but I found out yesterday that she’s been living in her car.”
Sean sucked in a breath and felt his chest tighten at the thought of a Little living on the streets. He hated that anyone lived on the streets in general, but an innocent Little was even worse.
“Why is she living in her car?” he asked.
Zane gave him a skeptical look.
“I just told you that Raff said not to ask her a bunch of questions, so I didn’t. I just found out yesterday anyway, so I haven’t exactly had a chance to question her.”
“How long has she been working here?”
“Almost a month.”
Jesus. Fuck.
“A month? She’s been living on the streets for a month?” Sean burst out.
He wasn’t a violent man, but the thought of it pissed him off. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sean willed himself to calm down and talk rationally to his friend. He couldn’t just take in a stranger, right?
“Why don’t you set her up in a room here and help her out until she can get a place of her own?” he asked.
“I thought about it, but she has severe anxiety. She will hardly look me in the eye and barely speaks to me. Her entire body trembles almost every time I say anything to her. Living in a club that has dozens of people in it every night would not be a good fit, even if she locked herself in a room.”
Sean thought about it for a minute.
“How do you know she’s a Little if she barely speaks to you?”
“Raff said he had a feeling she was a Little. He told me she did a great job cleaning the club and that she would go into the Littles’ area of his club frequently just to touch the dolls or pick up a toy for a moment before putting it down and going back to work. She does the same thing here. Other signs tell me she’s a Little as well.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Such as?”
Zane shrugged. “Just a feeling.”
“Jesus, Zane. Even if she needs a place to go and is a Little, with the amount of anxiety you say she has, what makes you think she’ll just move in with a stranger? And why don’t you move her in with you? You’re a Daddy.”
His friend was smiling at him, and Sean kind of wanted to deck him. The man had obviously lost his freaking mind. Even if Sean said yes, the woman wouldn’t just be willing to live with some random stranger. Although, he had to admit that he was intrigued.
“Honestly, I thought of you because I think she needs a Daddy like you. I think she needs some gentleness, and you know that’s not me. I can be too overbearing and demanding. I think she would do better under your care. You already have a full nursery set up, which I think would help her feel safer. Besides, you know I’m a package deal with Jace and I think she will be intimidated enough with one Daddy.”
Letting out a deep breath, Sean started feeling himself give in. Zane was right. Zane was more of a stern Daddy and he and Jace, the other club owner, were best friends and always shared their women.