Page 67 of Her Gentle Daddy
Giving her a quizzical look, Sean wiped the wetness from her cheeks.
“Of course, I want to marry you, Gabby girl. I’ve wanted to marry you since the day you became my little girl. Do you not like the ring?”
Shaking her head, Gabby flung her arms around his neck and sobbed.
“I l-love it, it’s so b-beautiful. I’m just so surprised. You had really planned on proposing.”
Holding her against him, he rubbed her back and whispered sweet words to her about how much he loved her and wanted to make her the happiest girl in the world. When her crying stopped, and she pulled away from him, he smiled and pulled the ring from the box, sliding it onto her ring finger.
“How did you know my ring size?”
He grinned, “You know all the dress up jewelry? When you were playing, I paid attention to which rings fit that finger, and then I took one of them to the jeweler.”
She giggled and stared at the sparkling diamonds, moving her hand every which way to see them sparkle.
“The jeweler probably thought you were crazy.”
He had definitely gotten a strange look from the sales associate when she took the plastic ring from him, but it didn’t matter. He would look crazy a million times over if it meant he got to make all his baby girls’ dreams come true.
“Shall we go to a sleepover?”
Looking up from her hand, she grinned.
“I almost forgot about that. Maybe we should go upstairs first?”
Sean laughed and shook his head. His girl was turning into quite the little minx.
“As much as that sounds beyond amazing, I still think your body needs to recover from last night.”
Sticking out her lip in a pout, Gabby nodded and stood from his lap.
“Fiiiiine. But you can’t keep that magic stick away from me forever.”
He burst out laughing and swatted her bottom.
“You are such a naughty girl. Maybe I should warm your bottom before we go.”
“No, no. I’m a good girl. Come on, Daddy, we’re gonna be late.”
Ian and Maddie’s house was enormous and stunningly beautiful. She was in awe as Sean drove up their driveway, and when she stepped out of his car, she felt a bit overwhelmed. Since this was her first slumber party ever, she was feeling a bit of nerves as well as excitement and was unsure of what to expect.
She had seen all those movies where teenage girls have slumber parties and stay up all night having pillow fights and eating candy, but somehow she didn’t think that Sean and Ian would let them get away with that, even though Maddie assured her over text that she had a secret candy stash that her Daddy didn’t know about.
Sean opened her car door and reached in to unbuckle her, holding his hand out to help her out. He was always doing simple, yet thoughtful things like that, and it always made her feel small. He was very good at keeping her in a Little headspace, and it made her feel safe to express herself more. She was still shocked with herself that she had initiated sex with him, but she was dang proud of herself too.
Before she could answer, the front door flew open and Maddie came bounding out of the house.
“You’re here! Come on, I want to show you my playroom! Hi, Sean,” Maddie said, barely giving Sean a sideways glance before grabbing Gabby by the hand and tugging her toward the house.
Ian chuckled as he walked outside to help Sean carry in their bags and the dog. Sean grinned when he put the furball in Ian’s arms and grabbed the bags. Ian scowled down at the dog, who began licking his hands. Both girls giggled at Ian, who seemed to be acting more disgruntled than his face let on.
“Don’t give me that face, dude. We aren’t getting one of you,” he said to the dog.