Page 35 of Allure
“Niko, what’s up!” Marcus greeted me with his usual enthusiasm. “I’ve got great news. I’ve scheduled a press conference for you and Lore to address your sudden marriage and possible resignation with the Knights. I didn’t tell them you would be coming back but I mentioned a big announcement. It’s time to let the world know about your exciting new chapter.”
I took a deep breath, knowing that my next words would shape the course of my future. “Actually, Marcus, there’s been a change of plans. I’ve decided to decline the team’s offer and fully commit to the anchor position at So Sports.”
“Wait, what? Have you actually taken enough time to think about this?” he questioned.
I released a sigh and took a seat on the couch.
“Yes, I am positive my time with the Knights has come to an end. Although I still love the game, it’s not the same love as it used to be when my cleats first touched that fresh manicured grass. The game doesn’t hold the same meaning for me anymore; it’s time to step into a new chapter, as you mentioned. In every sense of the word, not just in my personal life but my professional one too.”
As I said the words aloud, my decision became even more sound. The thought I didn’t love the game the same way I used to bothered me on a level I didn’t understand. It had become more focused on breaking records than just loving to be out on the field. I was tired of it all.
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before Marcus spoke, his voice laced with surprise. “Can I ask you how you can give up something like this, Niko? The money, the fame, the glory of the game?”
I chuckled softly, glancing once more at the bedroom where Lore still slept, her snores a gentle reminder of the woman who was opening my eyes in more ways than one. “Because, Marcus, I’ve gotten a taste of what life can be when you’re truly happy. Money and fame can’t compare to the joy and fulfillment I feel when I’m with Lore and pursuing a career that aligns with my new passions.”
Marcus let out a sigh, but I heard the understanding in his voice. “I respect that, Niko. Congratulations on your new path. And remember, I’m always here if you need me.”
I grinned, the weight of the decision lifting from my shoulders. “Of course you will be. After all, who else is supposed to negotiate my anchor pay?”
Marcus laughed, the sound a welcome reminder of the support I had in my corner. “You’ve got that right. Now go out there and show the world what Niko Lockwood is made of.”
As I hung up the phone, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. I had made the right decision, one that prioritized my happiness and the new journey I was on with Lore. With renewed determination, I prepared for the day ahead, ready to embrace the challenges and triumphs that awaited me in this new chapter of my life. And as I made my way back to the bedroom, Lore’s gentle snores guiding me, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the beautiful life we were building together, one decision at a time.
I snuggled closer to Lore as she started to finally stir. I kept my eyes clothes waiting for her morning routine that I had got used to. I laid still, not wanting to alert her that I was awake. The funny thing was, I was always awake when she did this.
I felt her turn in my arms to face me, so I kept my breathing even, and I stayed as still as possible. She leaned forward and placed a kiss against each of my eyelids, then the tip of my nose, my forehead, and finally, my lips. I had to fight like hell every morning not to kiss her ass back.
She then placed her hands on both sides of my face as she said a prayer.
“Good morning, God. It’s me again. I look forward to our alone time every morning. A moment where I can thank You for everything You have done in my life and continue to do in my life. Thank You for placing this amazing man in my life, thank You for health and a clear mind. I know I’m not Your usual believer, but I know where my thanks belong and who every blessing or protection comes from. I ask that You cover my husband’s heart, his mind, and his soul throughout his day. Give him the strength to endure, to smile, to be thankful, to be Niko Lockwood. Bless our marriage and give us the strength to keep growing in your love. I know it is done because I have asked.”
The room got silent so I knew the rest of her prayer, she must have been finishing silently. Every morning, she prayed the same prayer over me and our marriage. I had never met a woman who would do these things. She was everything, which was why I hadn’t agreed to go by my mother’s for dinner yet. If I could push this off for months, I would. I just wasn’t ready to bring her into something that used to be so beautiful but now was tarnished by fame and unspoken positions.
I remember a time when I used to love to be around my parents and my siblings. But, the more I found myself, it seemed the further I moved from them. I slowly opened my eyes and Lore’s were still closed. I pulled her in closer to my body, needing any amount of contact to make my day all right.
Not long after, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.
“Good morning, love,” I whispered.
She leaned forward and kissed me a few times before responding.
“Good morning, I hope you slept well,” she said while twirling my dreads around her finger.
“I can’t complain. I have news though.”
Her brow rose as she braced herself for whatever I needed to share.
“So, earlier this morning, while you were snoring.”
She held her hand up to stop me. “How many times do I have to tell you? I do not snore.”
I laughed, unable to contain it as I held my hands up in mock surrender.
“My bad. Like I was saying, I got a call from So Sports about the anchor position and they wanted to know if I was still interested.” I paused.
I waited as my wife’s eyes expanded, waiting before she seemed as if she were ready to burst. I had learned she was impatient when it came to news, but I loved to see her rattled just a little.
“Ugh, Niko. Would you get to the point? You know I hate when you do that,” she asked, before nudging my shoulder.