Page 44 of Allure
I nodded as he pulled back, hopped out of the car, then walked around to my side to open the door for me. He took my hand into his own as we walked hand in hand over to where his father stood. When we got closer, he smiled at me and nodded toward the door.
“Your mother is in there waiting for you,” he said, shocking the hell out of us.
I just knew he was going to tell our asses to get back in that truck and head back to wherever we had just come from but he didn’t. It was as if he wanted to have a moment with Niko but chose to save it for later instead.
Niko nodded back and led me into the house, taking the out he was given. The moment we walked inside, his mother rushed over to hug me.
“It’s nice to see you again, Lore,” she said to me.
Then she looked over at Niko and a sadness passed, followed by relief. I knew without her having to say a word, she missed her son more than anything. I hated they went so long without speaking, but I assumed Niko was trying to prove a point even after I told him if he didn’t call his mother, I wasn’t handing up any pussy. Well, that was very short-lived. That man had the magic touch. At that moment, I decided to mind my damn business.
His mother led us into the living room, then asked if we would like anything to drink. She didn’t have to ask me twice because I was beyond thirsty. I gladly asked for water and got comfortable on the couch. When his father walked back inside, he sat on the couch opposite us. I couldn’t help but tell he was trying to figure out what to say. Niko did the same thing when he was at a loss for words.
Finally, his mother walked back in and handed me the water, then took her seat beside her husband. She reached out and held his hand, rubbing small circles. I knew then he had something to get off his chest.
“I’m just going to say it because I am not the one for dramatic silence and pauses. I fucked up by you, Niko. I couldn’t see past the life I imagined for you. Not realizing, it may not be the one you wanted. When you were younger, we would sit around and watch tapes all the time. Out of my three children, you were the only one who wanted the same dream as me. Or so I told myself.” His father started before looking at his wife, then back at Niko.
Niko’s grip tightened on mine and then loosened as his father talked more.
"After two failed attempts—first with your sister, to get her to play a sport, and then with your brother, who preferred to play basketball—I finally got to you, my third child, who latched onto my passion like a second skin. You didn't even have to try as hard as I did to play. I know you worked hard, but man, you would just get it. All you had to do was be shown once or twice how to do something. You remember that?" he asked.
Niko looked over at him and nodded. “Yeah, every summer we would be in the back trying new things while Kole played ball on the court with his friends and Alexis hung with her friends in the house. It was just us.”
I laid my head against his shoulder, knowing he needed every bit of comfort I could provide him.
“Yeah, I thought you would be the one who would truly take the Lockwood name to new heights. I mean, you did for all intents and purposes. In my opinion, the best running back to ever do it. Then when you come in saying you’re turning down a hefty contract and then getting married to a woman none of us had ever met, I just knew you had lost your mind. It was unusual behavior for all of us, mainly me. But that’s because I couldn’t see anything more than you throwing away our dreams. I should have been more focused on your dreams. I messed up and I apologize. I hope I haven’t lost you forever,” he said.
I glanced between them, and Niko kissed my forehead before standing, then walking over to his father. He stood and they hugged it out. His mother was crying and so was I. I never expected that big-ass man to apologize, let alone express himself the way he had.
It was tough being a parent and I couldn’t imagine knowing how to handle a situation as unique as Niko and I’s. We did get married in a very unusual way if you asked me. Just then, the doorbell rang again and his mother stood to get it.
Niko’s father looked in my direction and smiled.
“I hope it’s not too late to show you who I truly am and welcome you to the family,” he said.
“I’m big on second chances, sir. I hope I can make a good impression on you too,” I responded.
Niko smiled down at me, then up at his father. I could tell that all that had been going on with his family had been taking him through the works emotionally. When his mother came back into the living room, his sister was behind her with her husband. But this time, she had a slight pudge to her stomach. I ignored it, not wanting to be rude. When I looked up, she smiled in my direction.
“Yes, I am. Also, it’s nice to see you again,” she said.
I smiled and stood to hug her.
“Congratulations,” I told her.
She looked down and rubbed circles against her stomach. Niko gave her a hug as well after dapping up his brother-in-law.
“I guess I’m getting ready to be an uncle,” he said.
Alexis nodded, with a few tears falling down her cheeks.
“Sorry, my emotions are all over the place. But yes, just in time. I’m happy for you and everything you’ve been doing. Did y’all catch him on So Sports these last couple of weeks? I’ve been watching in awe and super proud,” she said.
I loved the amount of respect and love they were showering my man with. He needed every bit of it.
“Is everyone hungry? I cooked and I think the chicken should be done, so head into the dining room,” his mother mentioned.
“Can I help you with anything?” I asked.