Page 4 of The Queen's Joker
“Ruptured spleen, enlarged liver, and broken ribs are most of the major players. We must keep you here for a few days to observe and ensure no more issues arise. Use your pain pump medicine to keep ahead of the pain. Do you have questions for me?”
I shake my head, not wanting to talk or feeling like I could come up with the words. I clear my throat several times, trying to swallow the lump that has formed. The doctor hands me a cup of water. “Umm, thanks. Can you tell Jack to give me a few minutes before coming back in?”
When the door latches shut, I allow myself to cry. I cry for the Queenie I was just a week ago. I mourn the loss of her because I am no longer that girl. She is gone, and I am left in place of her. I will never feel like this ever again. Never will I allow myself to be vulnerable anymore. Never again will men touch me when I don’t want them to. I will train myself twice as hard as anyone else to ensure it.
When Jack returns to the room, he ignores my tear-streamed face. “How’s everything internally?” He scrunches his nose up before motioning to his stomach area.
“I guess I had a ruptured spleen?” I shrug at him like it’s no big deal. “My liver’s also enlarged, so cut back on drinking for a bit because I won’t be an ideal candidate for a transplant.”
His lips are thin, and he makes a funny, concentrated face by moving his lips to the side while clicking with his tongue. “I know I should know what a spleen does, but I got nothing.”
“Maybe you should expand on spleen knowledge while you’re here.” I laugh and wince because, damn, even with drugs, it hurts. “I think we should stab people in the spleen from now on.”
Jack nods his head and lets out a small laugh. “If a serial killer comes out and part of the profile is that the killer loves to stab people in the spleen, I will be on to you.”
“Dork.” I groan, and Jack moves and clicks my pain pump and lowers the fall rails of the bed before walking over to the empty bed on the other side of the room. He unlocks the wheels before rolling it next to me. “Jack, you can’t use a patient bed! They are going to ask you to leave!” I scold him, but my words slightly slur from meds taking hold.
“Shhh! You’re going to upset your spleen!” He kicks his shoes off and hops into the bed beside me before taking my hand. “And no, they won’t ask me to leave, probably because they don’t want Joker to return.” He pauses as he flips through the channels. “Comedy?”
I roll my eyes and smile because he looks terrifying with all the blood on him. It wasn’t my first time seeing him covered in blood, so the shock factor wasn’t there for me. I’m pretty sure he threatened everyone when bringing me into the ER terminal. Instead of commenting more on that, tears gather again in my eyes. I clear my throat and nod. “For sure, nothing serious.”
Jack says nothing about the tears other than squeezing my hand. When the movie is almost over, he leans over and presses my pain pump because he probably knows I won’t unless it’s dire. He says, “You can sleep. I won’t leave you.” My eyes close, and he leans back against his bed. “We will stab all of them in the dick. I am so glad Joker found you. From the womb to the tomb, Queenie.”
Chapter six
Missions with Joker have always been difficult for me. It seems like he always pulls the short straw, but it’s more likely my brothers are pairing him with me. There’s no point in arguing over it. It’s been two years since he rescued me. He and I don’t speak about what happened on that mission. It’s a silent agreement, but it’s an agreement no matter what, and it works for us.
Honestly, things have been a little tense between the two of us. It’s nothing he has ever said, but sometimes it’s how he looks at me. His eyes sometimes go soft, and he handles me with kid gloves. But it is slowly getting back to normal. Maybe it’s because he is the only one who knows the details, or at least most of them. I prefer it that way, to be honest. I often think about my blood-soaked vigilante, looking like the angel of death coming to rescue me, which is on the highlight reel whenever I touch myself.
This mission is to get information from a member of the Senate. I have slowly laid my groundwork for the past week, and he is utterly obsessed with me. He is middle-aged, fit, and, of course, married. His wife also signed a prenup, so she cannot get a dime unless he cheats on her. So that’s where we come in. We rarely end up getting a mission that coronates with another.
Otherwise, this would be a Diamond’s card play; however, we must change our tactics since both cards got played. Usually, I would send one of my agents in, but the needed information is too valuable to leave to anyone else. The Jack of Diamonds got played, so someone equal to him had to take charge. I slightly also want to prove that I can still do missions. That I can have sex, and it is meaningless, and I am in control. If I can do this, maybe a small part of me I lost can return even though a part of me is screaming at me to send someone else.
The guy won’t have what I need to get me off, but he might surprise me. This might be why all my brothers don’t want to go on the mission with me. Seeing your sister have sex and then being the one taking pictures of it isn’t something any brother wants to see. That is probably why Joker drew the short straw, but I think he is too worried about what happened in the past to let the responsibility land on anyone else.
I lean down and ensure my dark red wig is glued down correctly and not out of place, giving it a few yanks to ensure it stays in place. Satisfied with my appearance, I replace my dark blue eyes with bright green contacts. As I pull up my garter belt, my eyes are smoky, ready for seduction. Placing my earpiece in, I say, “J, you hear me?”
“Loud and clear, Queen, or should I call you red?” he acknowledges as I stand up, putting on a tiny, low-cut, deep emerald green dress and slipping on my black pumps, bending over, showing my cleavage in the mirror. It’s accidental, but I’m putting a show on for Joker either way. Got to love the small body camera, and I am putting it to good use. I pretend like I am unaware of my sex appeal.
He groans into the microphone as I stand up, straightening my outfit. My jewelry opens on my ring, filled with a sleeping aid. The target—Jasper—wants to meet at his office building. He often sleeps there on a couch, so doing so wouldn’t be odd.
Joker is in the building opposite. We both know our mission and now it’s time to execute it. The building is mostly empty at night as I walk inside and hear my heels clicking on the polished floor. I feel unstoppable. Using that energy, I ride the elevator to his floor. I remind myself that I am in charge as I grip the neck of my wine bottle. I glance down to check the label of the bottle and smirk. It’s my favorite red. Joker selected the vintage for this mission. This happens when your partner on a mission knows you so well. Another good omen of this mission, and now it’s my turn to seal the deal. My target thinks he is the powerful one between us.
Walking inside his office, I tilt my head, making eye contact. He holds his finger up to his lips as he speaks on the phone, but his hooded, heated gaze takes me in as he looks at me like a hungry man. I lean against the solid door and shut it dramatically as I lock it. Shooting him a naughty smile, I act like we are about to do something very naughty in a forbidden place, not taking my eyes off Jasper as he talks his way off the phone. His brown eyes watch me while he licks his lips as I approach him. His thick brown hair is slightly thinning, but not enough to detract from his looks.
I move over to the large cherry wood desk before him, perching myself on top of it, making myself a barrier between him and the desk. I uncross my legs, letting them spread, resting on the armrests of his chair, giving him a peek at the black lacy panties that match my stockings and garter. Whoever is on the other end of the phone is taking forever to hang up. He moves his hand to touch my panty-covered pussy, and I playfully swat his hand. I place my foot on his chest and give a slight push so his chair is slightly backward and waggle my finger back and forth like he is my naughty boy. With the distance between us, I stand up, then stride over and grab two cups from his wet bar. Turning my ring around, I discreetly pour the sleeping powder into the cup in my right hand. I fill both cups with wine, and as I walk back, I swirl the glasses playfully.
I hand him a glass and put mine to my lips, and he says, ‘Thank you.’ I take a sip and think, ‘No, thank you.’
“What a dumbass. He should hang up that phone,” Joker says. I smirked, and Jasper thought it was to him, but no. It’s my secret glance to the man I want. The man who currently holds a camera and is taking pictures of us for his wife’s divorce lawyer. Yeah, that sums up the highly complex dynamic that is my life. Having sex with a man that repulses me as the object of my desire watches.
Pulling my cup up to my lips to drink my wine, I’m glad I at least got an excellent vintage red out of this deal. I don’t pay attention until I hear him hang up the phone. “Sorry about that, baby.” He pulls me into his lap to straddle him. My fingers reach up to grab his yellow tie to pull it loose.
I give him my best pouty lip and stroke his cheek with my fingertips. “You look sleepy, my love. Do you want me to leave?” I give him puppy dog eyes, pushing my cleavage closer to his face. We have only sexted and never even kissed before. I grind my panty-covered pussy over his crotch for extra incentive, and he groans.
He drinks his whole glass of wine and shakes his head. “Now, what kind of fun would that be? I have been waiting for this all week.” He has me stand up, and I move to take my heels off. “Please keep those on.”
I smirk like the naughty little seductress I am. I shimmy my way out of my dress and let it pool at my feet, standing in my stockings, garter, and panties. Walking toward the window, I give him the ‘come here’ signal with my pointer finger.