Page 35 of My Forbidden Boss
I know exactly what time it is because my dick’s been aching for hours. It’s time to get her out of here and to my condo where I’ll have her all to myself.
“Your work is finished for the week. You’re coming with me,” I say.
Her face falters. “Oh, I…”
Jealousy stabs me, fast and irrational. “Do you have other things to do?”
I mentally wince, because I sound like a jerk. I am a jerk, but Adeline unleashes something primal inside me that can’t be helped.
I want to own. Possess. Command. Adeline brings it all out. A foreign part of me is never-before-seen unearthed, but the guilt is nothing compared to my other needs. Needs that will be sated before too long.
I’m tired of catching pieces of Adeline around the office. I want unadulterated access to her where we won’t be interrupted for days.
“I want to call my friend. Her mother isn’t doing too well and I would like to see how she’s going. I was going to speak with her tonight when I got home,” she says, her face flushing.
My shoulders go tight when she refers to the dump she lives in as home. That’s not home. That’s a crime waiting to happen. She won’t be there for long if I have my say in it.
I want to know who this ‘friend’ is; whether it’s a male she’s so concerned about. “Your friend Maddy?”
She hesitates. Nods. “Yes.”
Her gaze drops. I’m an asshole, but I’m appeased. It’s a new low for me but it’s easy to brush it aside. There’s something primal inside me and I won’t apologize for it. Not now. Not ever. Whatever this is has a timestamp. Young women do not stay with men two decades older. I’ll take whatever I can get. Protect a chip of my heart so I can function when she’s gone. Worries for later.
“I have an office at home you can use if you want to keep the conversation private,” I say. “Then you’re mine.”
She looks at me with deceptively young eyes, but she’s astute decades beyond her years on the inside. I wonder what made her this way. I’m excited to find out. I want to discover everything about her. She’s a gift, all shimmery paper and tied up with a big red bow that I’m eager to unwrap.
She knows what I want, and if the blush that stains her cheeks in anything to go by, she wants that too.
“David, I…”
There’s a timeless moment when I think she’s going to refuse. Where my worry comes to the fore. The blinkers will be ripped off her eyes and the reality of our situation will crash around the both of us. She looks uncomfortable for a fleeting moment. Her lips part and she draws in a quick breath and a line furrows between her brows.
She’s going to tell me this has all been a big mistake. That she won’t come back to Blue Sky because the boss is a pervert who should keep his hands to himself, but she offers me a tentative smile, closes her computer, notches her chin, picks up her bag and says the words that makes my dick press against my zipper so hard there’s an imprint.
“I’ll come with you.”
Chapter 13
Once more, the motor purrs as David pulls into the New York traffic. I’m getting used to being in this car with him and trust him to get me wherever we’re going safely, which is strange because I’m not used to being in a car. The public bus is more my style. Cheaper for one. I don’t have to worry about gas, or the cost of repairs, or the cost of the car. I’m used to the public bus with its fuel guzzling roar, well-worn seats and crush of strangers.
But this car isn’t cheap and David isn’t a stranger.
Nerves mix in my stomach, twisting my good sense into a tight roll so that none of it leaks out.
I was going to tell him about Max before I agreed to come with him.
There are many reasons I shouldn’t be in this quiet car sitting next to David, but I don’t hear them. I don’t want to.
There is a beautiful, sticky web surrounding me. There’s a spider nearby with raised fangs ready to fill me with venom, and I’m waiting for them to sink into my soft, fleshy part with a smile. I roll over, splay my arms and bare my stomach.
I do this willingly. Stupidly. Because this has only one way out. That exit button will slam down when he tires of me, because why would he not? I’m not going to think about that yet. I want to feel normal.
As though I matter.
Not looked down on because of money I don’t have, the clothes I wear, the job I do.