Page 46 of My Forbidden Boss
“I…can’t,” I say, settling on the truth. It’s not ‘I won’t’, or ‘I don’t want to’. I can’t, for reasons he could not know.
He kisses me again. I close my eyes and soak it up because I have a narrow frame of time to be with him.
“Steph is in town for three more days. After she leaves, you’re mine, but the offer stands any time you change your mind,” David says.
I won’t change my mind because when it comes down to it, Mom comes first. Before anything I might want and then that doesn’t matter because fairy-tales don’t happen to women like me. Best to avoid disappointment. Do not dream. Do not hope. Do not pass go and collect two hundred dollars, because people like me don’t get ahead. We’re the fodder of life and nothing will change that.
I give him my best smile, because he’ll thank god I didn’t accept his offer. “I look forward to that, but for now I’d like to clean up.”
He takes his time arranging my clothing and when he’s satisfied lets me leave. I ignore Andrea’s hawk eyes and duck into the bathroom after picking up my bag. I check the stalls are empty before locking myself in one and sitting on the lid.
My swollen pussy throbs, reminding me what I did with David as I pull out my cell and type before I lose my nerve.
Me: I have what you want
I bite my fingernail clear to the skin. I stare at the phone and laugh at myself. What am I doing? Max won’t be waiting for my every text or call. I have some time before I have to end this. My heart rate eases as I slide my cell back into my bag but then it vibrates.
SD: When I call, I expect you to answer
Shit. My fingers tremble as I reply.
Me: I had nothing to tell you before
What did he think, that I spent my life in a vacuum waiting for him? I roll my eyes and imagine punching him in the face.
SD: And what about now?
My fingers hover over the screen as hot, sticky perspiration coats my body. I force my fingers to move before my moral compass can kick into gear.
Me: I have something for you
SD: Send it to me
I hold my breath until my lungs scream, hoping that will make the pain of sending Max anything he’s asked for pass. It doesn’t. I’m the lowest of the low, but I have to think about Mom.
I need to be on a train back to Mom. Before my heart shatters.
So I do what’s wrong and forward Max emails from Sophie to David. It’s not the information on the USB, but it’s damaging enough. I send Max all of their communication regarding Moss Creek, hoping I don’t vomit on the polished tiles underfoot.
Me: You have what you want. I’m going home
SD: Stay where you are. Do not leave
My heart stops beating before punching a hole in my chest when it starts up again. My fingers are numb when I type.
Me: What do you mean?
SD: I want more on Blue Sky. Anything you can find
More? What I sent gives Max leverage against David. I press my hand to my stomach. No, no, no! I did not mean this to happen. I was supposed to tell Max I had what he wanted and he would let me go home.
Me: There is no more
SD: I know when I’m being lied to. I want more, not an argument. Get it for me
Me: Why?
SD: That’s none of your concern. Just do what I say