Page 91 of My Forbidden Boss
And that is the problem.
It would almost be easier if love wasn’t involved. The choice would be easier, and now I know why Mom kept me. “Let me get you a glass of water. I’ll be right back.”
I click the light on when I enter the kitchen to see Steph standing by the counter. She jerks, turns and wipes her face.
“Are you alright?” I ask.
She clears her throat. “Yeah, I…I’ll be fine.” It’s clear she won’t be, but it’s not my place to push her.
I stand awkwardly, shuffling my feet in the doorway. “Can I…help?” An inadequate question. I see she’s upset and then the reason for her tears slams into me. “I understand. I promise, when this is over, I’ll be the first to leave. I won’t step on your toes, I…”
“What?” Steph turns back to face me, hands out, eyes wide. “No! No, that’s not what I want, God, I…” She sinks against the bench, inhaling so deep her chest rises. “To be perfectly candid, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to my father.”
Heat flares over my body. Her words swirl in my brain, grappling for meaning. “What?”
She chuckles, shaking her head. “Those of us who know and love the unstoppable force of my father see how much he’s changed, and it’s all because of you.”
“Changed? How?” My voice is a squeak.
Steph’s mouth twists as she shares a private joke with herself. “I haven’t seen him so carefree and tied up in knots at the same time in…well, ever. He’s pulling out all the stops for you.”
I’m filled with the need to explain. I know exactly what David’s doing for me. I epitomize gratefulness. “I appreciate everything he does. I haven’t asked him to do a thing for me, and after what I did to him, I…I don’t expect anything at all from him.”
She chuckles, takes her mug from the counter and taps my shoulder as she walks out. “Exactly. If you want my blessing, you have it. This is the first time I’ve seen him vulnerable like this, but if you hurt him, I’ll hunt you down.”
Chapter 33
I hear the front door open and my attention is swept into David’s vortex when he steps into the room. The rest of the world disappears as I drink him in. His navy hand-tailored business suit enhances his broad shoulders and trim waist. The bulge between his pants pleating makes my mouth salivate. A tremor works through my body. A visceral need passes through me. My chest hitches with an itchy heated need, forcing me to stand and move towards him. As if I had a choice.
This man will be the end of me.
He already is.
I want to spend every morning watching him like this. Feeling like this. All antsy excitement and belly fluttering. Then I think - why can’t I?
The little snippet of a runaway thought sinks through me.
Why can’t I?
I’ve spent so much time thinking of all the reasons I shouldn’t allow myself to be with David that it’s left no room to think about why I should.
I’ve seen what David will do for me. I’m tired of being the girl overlooked. The pov-girl buried. The only change I can make rests with me.
I woke this morning and David had already left for the office, leaving Margaret in charge of feeding me, Mom and Steph. Steph was more put together this morning. Happy to chat, although she hasn’t mentioned what passed between us last night and I’m not friendly enough with her to ask.
She spends some time on her phone, sitting alone at the end of the sofa while Mom flips through Disney. I watch the television, but all I see are moving pictures. My head is consumed by David, the meeting with Max that will take place in two hours and the wasps that have begun to buzz in my stomach.
My attention switches to David and their angry wings die. His presence soothes me. He drops a folder onto the coffee table and kisses my cheek. “Has Margaret fed you?”
“Did you leave too early for her to feed you?” I ask.
A smile plays on his mouth. “I left too early because I wanted to surprise you with this.”
He gestures to the folder and opens the first page. At first, I don’t know what he’s set on the table, then I start to read. It’s the Moss Creek tender, changed with every suggestion I made and spoke to David about. I take the folder onto my lap, flipping through the pages.
Validation chimes a choir in my mind. “You didn’t miss a thing.”