Page 8 of Thankless in Death
“Somebody was staying in here. Dirty dishes scattered around, empty containers.” She walked to the bed, yanked the cover down, bent over to sniff the sheets. “Sleeping here. Tag these. We could get DNA.”
She turned a circle. “Someone staying here, someone they know. She’s in the kitchen, maybe fixing lunch that time of day. We’ll run the log on the AutoChef. Maybe he wants something, and she won’t give it to him.”
Letting herself see it, she walked out again, back to the kitchen. “He’s pissed, oh, he’s so fucking pissed. The knife’s right there, just takes it out of the block and lets her have it. Over and over. Bet that felt good.”
“Why?” Peabody wondered. “Why do you say it felt good?”
“He didn’t run, did he? He hung around, waiting to do her husband. Another overkill. So, yeah, I’m thinking it felt just fine. Note for sweepers to check all the drains. He had to clean up, he’d be covered with blood. But he’s got hours before the husband gets home. Hours to clean himself up, to change, and to go through the place. She probably had a couple pieces of decent jewelry, easy to hock.”
“They’d’ve had emergency cash somewhere,” Peabody added. “It’s what you do, sock some away in case.”
“Okay. Jewelry, cash. Male vic’s wallet’s gone, and he’s not wearing a wrist unit. When we find her purse, her wallet’s going to be gone, too. Electronics—that’s something we’re not seeing in here.”
“Easy and portable.”
Eve looked at the victims again. “And an afterthought. You don’t kill like this for trinkets. You don’t kill people you know like this for some spare cash. You do it for a lot more. Maybe they had more. Let’s see what the neighbor has to say.”
Eve headed for the door, glanced back. “Run the son,” she told Peabody.
“You think somebody could’ve done that to his own parents?”
“Who pisses you off more than family?” She stepped out. “It’s clear for Crime Scene,” she told the uniform. “And the wagon’s on the way. What’s the wit’s name?”
“Sylvia Guntersen. Her husband’s Walter. He’s in there, too. He stayed home from work.”
“All right.” Eve knocked on 824. The female officer answered, a young blonde with her hair pulled back tightly at the nape of her neck.
“Hey, Cardininni.”
The blonde smiled, her frosty blue eyes warmed. “Hey, Peabody. Some morning, huh?”
“You could say. Officer Cardininni and I walked the beat together a few times.”
“Before you went Murder on us. Lieutenant. It’s good meeting you. More or less.” She glanced over her shoulder. “The woman’s taking it hard. The husband’s holding on, but not by much. They were tight with the vics. Lived across the hall from each other for about a dozen years. They hung a lot, took some vacations together. Close buds.”
“Got it.”
The apartment layout mirrored 825. The decor was less fussy, but the tidiness factor meshed. The Guntersens sat at the square-topped black kitchen table, cups in front of them. Eve judged them to be about the same age as the victims.
The woman wore her hair short, stylishly spiked, while the man went long and ponytailed. Both sets of eyes were red-rimmed, swollen. The woman took one look at Eve and began sobbing.
Eve only had to glance at Peabody to get her partner moving forward.
“Mrs. Guntersen, we’re so sorry for your loss. This is Lieutenant Dallas, and I’m Detective Peabody. We’re going to do our best for your friends.”
“They were my friends, our best friends.” She choked it out as she reached for her husband’s hand. “How could this happen to them?”
“That’s what we’re going to find out.” Eve took a seat at the table. “We need your help.”
“I just worried when she didn’t answer, so I went in. I found them. I found Barb and Carl.”
“I know this is hard,” Peabody began. “But we have to ask you some questions.” She measured the woman, decided she’d do better with a task. “Do you think we could have some coffee, ma’am?”
“Oh. Yes. Of course.” Pulling herself together, Sylvia stood up.
“When was the last time you spoke to or saw Barbara or Carl?” Eve asked.
“I talked to Barb Friday morning. Just a quick chat before Walt and I left. We went to see our daughter and her fiancé in Philadelphia for the weekend. They just got engaged.”