Page 108 of Xavier
He slowly walks through the blacked out warehouse to the van out back where Hudson is waiting with the other guy.
I push him until he’s standing next to his partner. Digging out another pair of zip ties, I fasten them around his ankles so he can’t get away.
The van’s headlights let me see the two men clearly.
“This is the one that pulled the trigger.” I tell Hudson, who gives me a nod.
“How the fuck do you know that? Maybe you are trying to get easy charges to stick, but you have nothing. You don’t have the murder weapon or anything placing us at the scene of the crime. You have nothing.”
The other man chimes in. “Where’s your witness hiding? We have strict orders to bring her back with us. Our boss is looking forward to having her.”
Rage consumes me at the mention of my witness. I’ll go to the ends of the Earth to find their boss if I have to.
I’ll cut off his fucking hands if he dares to even try to touch Brianna, and cut off his dick if he thinks he’s going to stick it anywhere near her.
I ball my hand into a fist, and before I know what I’m doing, I throw a punch toward his mouth.
He spits on my boot. “Did you fuck her? Is that why you are acting like a macho guy?”
Another punch, but this time it’s aimed at his stomach.
He groans in response.
Hudson gives me a knowing smirk, and I roll my eyes. He can see it on my face from a hundred feet away.
I love Brianna. I’m enthralled by her.
She’s all I can think about, even when I should be focused on something else.
She’s all I want to think about, morning, noon, and night.
Digging my phone out of my pocket, I dial John’s number.
It rings and rings and rings.
“What the fuck?”
I end the call and immediately redial.
It goes straight to his voicemail.
“Answer your damn phone. I’ve got somewhere to be.”
I hang up and look at Hudson, who is grinning from ear to fucking ear.
“You can take the van. I’ll wait here for him.”
Sure, the two men are tied up, but it’s still two against one, and I won’t put Hudson in that position. “No. I’ll try him again.”
I redial John’s number and he finally answers right before his voicemail picks up.
I don’t wait for him to speak. “We’re done here. Call in the police. We are ready to leave.”
“That’s what I was doing when you kept calling. They should be there in a minute or two. They won’t question you and Hudson. I told them to pick up the two suspects and I’ll handle the rest.”
Several police cars turn onto the abandoned road.
“The police are here. I’ll be back at your house to retrieve my car after they leave. I want to get back down to Florida as soon as I can.”