Page 20 of Tempt Me
“Wait,” he said as I gripped the handle. “How will I find you again?”
I glanced at him over my shoulder. “The most priceless gifts in the world are the ones that can never be recreated.”
As I walked from his room to the elevator, I wondered where in the hell I got that saying from.
Thankfully, I didn’t run into another soul on my way to my room, and I was just about exhausted when I finally hopped into my hot shower.
Refreshed again, I reheated a slice of pizza that I found in my fridge and took it and my diary out to my balcony.
At the top of the page for the 10th of April, I wroteBatman, room 8 - Risky Role Playing.
As I detailed everything that I did with my superhero, I wondered if it was the anonymity of his disguise that’d made him so sexy.
I guess I’ll never find out.
As I ate my pizza and watched all the faceless people walk along the beach below, I realized it was the anonymity of my Memphis disguise that made me feel sexy.
As Memphis, I could say and do anything I wanted.
I could also be any person I wanted to be.
It was the ultimate freedom.
Did it also prove I was fucking crazy?
Chapter Seven
Friday morning announced its arrival with a glorious display of gold over the dark indigo ocean, and just as the rays touched the marble expanse of the lobby floor, I grabbed a cup of green tea and headed out to my favorite spot in the hotel.
The sun lounge was the perfect place to welcome in a new day. Spears of light pierced a scattering of clouds, making them glow from the inside. As the minutes ticked by, more and more people joined me in the open air. Most of them performed some sort of exercise. Dozens of walkers and joggers trotted along the designated path that wove along the grass strip, and the surfers hit the early morning waves by the bucket load.
“Where are the Iced Vovos?”
Gasping, I turned to the voice. “Henry! What’re you doing here?”
His handsome grin lit up his face, highlighting the wrinkles around his eyes. “I’m staying for a couple of nights.”
I never thought I’d see my suave stranger again. My heart fluttered as I contemplated his return. At first, I thought he must be here for work, and had no choice where he stayed. But then . . . could he be here to see me, Jane Nichols, meek and mild hotel manager, or maybe, Memphis, my sexy alter-ego?
Henry was the only one of my male conquests who knew my secret. Up until now, it hadn’t bothered me because I’d never thought I’d see him again.
“You didn’t think I’d be back, did you?” He must’ve noticed my confusion.
I shook my head. “Ah, no.”
“Why not? You’re the most fun I’ve had in years.”
“Pfft, really? What about your wife?”
“Soon-to-be ex-wife. I filed the papers not long after I left you last time.”
“Oh, jeez.” I covered my mouth. “That’s not good.”
“Are you kidding? It’s great. I’m happier than I’ve been in years, and she’s off traipsing around the world with my ex-golf buddy. They’re made for each other—both self-centered twats. Besides, she was never any fun. She spent much more time focusing on her hair or nails than she did on me.”
I paused with my teacup near my lips. “That’s a shame.”
He raised his eyebrows at me. “You think?”