Page 36 of Tempt Me
“It’s okay. You weren’t to know, and besides, it’s no excuse for me being late.”
For the first time in years, I saw a human being in Mr. Karwatsky, not the asshole boss who’d hired me.
“Anyway, I better get back to her. Enjoy the rest of your night.”
As he walked toward the front door, I crumbled onto the office chair, completely shattered.
My brain was a fucked-up roulette wheel of thoughts for the remainder of my shift, and it was a huge relief when the sun cast its morning rays over the horizon. I made a green tea and poured it into my favorite teacup, decorated with black-and-white cows. With the cordless phone in one hand and my tea in the other, I went outside to enjoy the view.
The beautiful beach scene was perfect therapy. Waves crashed into the shore with repetitive harmony. Rainbow lorikeets flitted from one Pandanus palm to the next, and the sun pushed up from the horizon, bathing a warm glow onto the golden beach in front of me. My tea, too, was light and delicate, exactly what I needed. I finished it, placed the cup beside me, closed my eyes, and breathed in the fresh sea air.
I spun to the deep voice and gasped. Corben walked toward me in tiny black shorts and a white singlet top that highlighted his nipples as rock-hard pebbles. His muscles flexed and bulged with his stride.
I covered my face with my hands, and as I felt him sit beside me, I peeked at him through my fingers. “Hi.”
“So . . . do I call you Jane or Memphis?”
“Oh, God.”
“No, not God, I’m just Corben.”
I chuckled and lowered my hands.
“You nearly got sprung, huh?”
I huffed. “Yeah.”
“Would it have been worth it?”
I tucked my hands under my knees and swung my legs back and forth as I contemplated his question. Sex with Corben had been absolutely mind-blowing, but was I willing to lose my job over a stupid bet with Lolly? For his sake, I had to say yes. “It was worth every one of those ten minutes.” I smiled at him.
“It was more than that, you know.”
“I know.”
As I studied the crashing waves, I felt his gaze and wished I’d put on at least some makeup to cover my freckles.
“You’re by far one of the hottest women I’ve ever met.”
I chuckled, disbelieving. “Thanks.” As I ran my hand over my ponytail, I wondered what he thought of me now. Plain Jane was in full view in the blazing morning sunshine and with not even a lick of lipstick to beautify me.
“I mean both you and Memphis.”
I glanced up, and our eyes met. Words escaped me.
“It’s the truth.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “I come to the Gold Coast all the time. From now on, I’ll be checking into this hotel.” He stood, and I admired every bulge of his exquisite physique. “Don’t lose your job.”
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “I don’t plan to.”
Corben bounded down the stairs two at a time, and I watched him run along the path that ran parallel to the beach until he disappeared in the distance.
I went back inside, and an hour or so later, Needledick arrived to take over from me at reception.
“Good morning,” I said. “I’m sorry again about last night. Did you get back to sleep?”
“No need to say sorry. It wasn’t your fault that woman rang me. I’d actually forgotten my number was the emergency contact on the front door.”