Page 5 of Tempt Me
“Oh, my god,” she blurted so loud half the diners in the café turned to her.
“What?” I frowned.
“You’re hiding something. Tell me.”
I ate the last piece of my cake, contemplating what to say, then shook my head. “I can’t.”
“The way you’re smiling, it has to be bloody good. Come on, tell me.”
Lolly had missed her calling; she should’ve been an interrogator or something. She was never going to give up, so I had to tell her something. I just had to decide how much.
She leaned forward and placed her hand over mine. “Jane, you know you can tell me anything. Whatever it is, I’ve probably done it before myself.” She scrunched her nose in the cutest of ways.
Damn it, she’s impossible.
“It’s just that . . . it happened so . . . so quickly,” I stammered.
“It’s okay. Start at the beginning. Whatever it is, you must’ve enjoyed it.”
I cocked my head. How the hell she interpreted that from my stammering was beyond me.
“Babe, you can’t wipe the smile off your face. Tell me.”
“All right, but please don’t tell Cal. It’s embarrassing.” My shoulders sagged.
“Why? He loves you. Nothing you ever do would stop that.”
This might. No matter how hard I wanted to keep this from her, she’d get it out of me anyway. “Oh, all right.” I sighed and sipped my coffee, stalling for time so my brain could sort the steamy mess into an order. Putting my cup down, I cleared my throat. “An Irish guy came into the hotel the night after Savanah’s birthday party.”
“Last Saturday?”
“Yes. He was quite drunk, but he was bubbly and happy. And, well, he was cute. So, the next morning after my shift, I dressed in the French maid outfit.”
I shrugged. “I thought he’d get a laugh out of it. Anyway, I went to his room, and I did my usual spiel, you know, letting him know I was horny and that I didn’t like to be alone. And I was down to my underwear when a woman walked out of his bathroom, practically naked.”
“Holy fuck!” Lolly’s eyes bulged. “What’d you do?”
“I didn’t know what to do. I stood there like a stunned mullet. Then they invited me to join them.’
“Oh shit. You lucky bitch.”
My jaw dropped.
“What? There’s nothing wrong with a threesome.”
I lowered my eyes to my coffee and scooped my spoon around the rim, catching the chocolate powder.
“You didn’t join them, did you?”
I shook my head. “I watched them.”
She let out a breath. “I bet that was fucking hot.”
I grinned at her and leaned forward. “It was so hot. To see their expressions and what they did to each other . . . it was out of this world.”
Lolita clicked her tongue. “Oh man, I’m so jealous.” She palmed her chest. “I’ve never even done that.”