Page 112 of Tease Me
I so desperately wanted to see him fully naked, but I’d learned two things with Henry. The first was that he was the master of teaching me new things, and the second was that anticipation was an intoxicating aphrodisiac.
He led me to the spa. “Would the madam like to hop in?”
“Sure.” I slipped out of my G-string and tossed it at him.
Laughing, Henry clutched the minuscule lace, and as I’d expected, he raised it to his nose. With his eyes closed, Henry sniffed my underwear nice and deep, and as I turned my attention to his groin, his cock moved beneath the navy fabric.
He placed my underwear on the deck chair andturned his attentionto the champagne bottle next to the spa. As the cork releasedwith a loud pop, I stepped into the bubbling water. The warmth embraced me, and as I settled onto one of the seats below the waterline, he handed me a glass of champagne.
My already purring insides hit a whole new tempo as I waited for the moment Henry stripped completely naked. After placing his champagne on the side of the spa, he walked around to the steps. My heart thumped in my chest. I didn’t want to blink for fear of missing even one millisecond.
But it didn’t happen.
Henry stepped down into the spa.
“Hey, that’s not fair.”
“What?” He raised his brows as if he had no idea what I was referring to.
“You kept your undies on.”
He glided over toward me,andreaching for his champagne, hesat at my side and raised his glass for a toast.“Cheers.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
He nodded at our glasses, silently insisting that we toast. We tapped the glasses together, and then we both took a sip.Asthe delicious bubbles slid down my throat and the water in the pool bubbled around me, a random thought scurried across my brain.
What if Henry was embarrassed to show me his cock?
I’d never thought about that. Maybehethoughthewas too old for me,ortoo small, or something just as silly. I needed to do something about that.
I put my glass down, and then before he could object, I glided toward him. With my hands on his shoulders, I curled my right leg over his hips to straddle him. The bulge in his groin nestled nicely beneath my pussy, and grinding back and forth, I made sure he knew that I knew he was erect.
“What are you doing, madam?” He grinned at me.
“Pleasuring myself.”
He chuckled, and I smiled at thewonderfulmelody. I continued rocking, moving my hips back and forth, using his hardness to please my throbbing clit. He locked his eyes on mine, and my insides sizzled at both the intensity of his gaze and thewonderfulsensations flowing through me.
Henry gulped his drink and put the glass aside. Then he reached down, and as I continued to rub back and forth, he pressed his thumb against my clit and rolled the hypersensitive bud. I gasped, clutched his shoulders, and tilted my head back, continuing my momentum. His finger drove over my clit and glided into my throbbing hole, and I raisedupon my knees, giving him room.
Henry placed his hands on my hips, glided me off him, and pushed me across to the opposite side of the spa. He raised my hips above the water, and as I clutched the tiled edge, he lowered his face between my legs.
As the warm water caressed my back and the cool air teased my nipples, Henry licked his hot, probing tongue up and down my pussy. My eyes rolled, and I gasped aloud as he drove a finger into me. His tongue twirled around my clit in perfect timing with his finger that thrust into me. A second finger joined his first, and as he drove them in and out in a slow, twisting motion, I hooked my knees up over his shoulders, begging him to keep going.
Every nerve in my body tingled, and as I clutched the tiles, I curled my back upward and squeezed my knees, trapping his head between my thighs.
Suddenly, he added a third finger, but this onewasn’t aimedat my pussy—it was at my anus.
“Hey.” I pulled my legs off his shoulders and dragged my bottom into the water.
He reached up to caress my cheek. “You trust me, don’t you?”
“You know I do, but I don’t do anal.”
“Have you ever done it before?”
“No, of course not.”