Page 129 of Tease Me
“What? Tell me.” She reached forward and clutched my arm.
Knowing I had no choice but to divulge the details, I closed my eyes and hated myselfright at that very moment.“Stuckhisfinger up my . . .” I cringed, unable to say it.
“Holy shit, babe, youreallyare stepping out. Did you like it?”
I shrugged. “It was weird.”
“But you liked it, didn’t you?”
I felt the need to clarify why I liked it. I leaned forward, and with my voice barely a whisper, I described in intimate detailexactlywhat Henry did to me. Lolly barely uttered a sound as I explained how Henry brought my orgasm to a whole new level. When I finished, I leaned back and attacked my cake again.
Lolly fanned herself. “Holy smokes, babe. He sounds fucking amazing.”
I grinned. “Told you.”
She pointed her finger at me. “From now on, that’s exactly howyou’re going totell me about these romps. No more glossing over the details. I tell you what, though—I need to grab Calvin and get me some anal sex going on.”
My jaw dropped, andcringing,I scanned the café, hopinglike hellnobody had heard her.To my surprise, it seemed she’d gone unnoticed. I turned my gaze to her as she pushed back and stood. She came to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. “You’re amazing, babe.”
I had no idea why. But adhering to Henry’s advice, I nodded and said, “Thank you.”
She hooked her bag on her shoulder. “Calvin better answer his phone, or I’ll have to get my Venus Probe out.”
I had a good idea what the Venus Probe was, and thank God she’d looked away, or she would’ve seen the shock on my face. Lolita jogged off, and as I watched her non-existent ass disappear into the crowd, I thought about her choice to own a vibrator.
I’d never used one myself. Maybe that was because, prior to this year, sex hadn’t even been close toamazing. Now, though, I understood just how incredible it was. But once I had a man in my life, like Lolita did, I couldn’t imagine the need for a vibrator.
I chuckled as I hoped that the man who I did fall in love with enjoyed having sex because he was going to be getting a hell of a lot of it.
As I smiled at thatwonderfulthought, I put a twenty-dollar note under the saltshaker and stood to push my chair in.
Back in my room, I showered and crawled into bed.After the workoutI’d had, sleep came quickly.
The evening shift started slowly and didn’t get any better as the night rolled on until just after eleven o’clock when a handsome stranger strolled through the lobby doors and enchanted me with his beauty.
In a flash, my boring shift had become a hell of a lot better.
His skin was creamy white, with atouch ofrose on his cheeks.It was obvious thathe hadn’tbeen exposedto Australia’s harsh sunshine for long.His blond beard was full, covering the lower half of his face, butit was his eyes thatdrew me in.Fierce, cornflower blue eyes that grabbed me and wouldn’t let me go.
Hewas younger than me, I’d say,by at least three years, and hisstrong, confident stride was that of a man who’d figured out the mystery of the universe.He struck me as someone who had an excellent work-life balance. But from the second I glanced into his intense eyes, I was ready to tilt that balanceway overto the life side. At least, that was the plan.
“Good evening.” I cleared my throat. “Welcome to the Hot Horizon Hotel.”
“Hello, I’m Maxximus Diederik. I’ve booked for one night.” His European accent was strong and sexy.
Dragging my eyes away from his, I stepped to the back counter, and after a quick flick through the check-in cards, I removed his card.
“Here we go, Mr. Diederik. Do you have your identification there?”
As he fished around in a leathersatchelover his shoulder, I took the opportunity to explore his body.
He wore a navy T-shirt that showed off thefinetone of his arms, and his hands were exquisite—smooth skin with perfectly trimmed nails. His only jewelry was aninterestingsilver ring with unusual engravings around the outer edge.
As he handed his passport over, it took all my might not to accidentally-on-purpose touch him. I flipped to his information page and noted his age; this fine young man was indeed younger than me by four years. As I took a photocopy of his passport, I decided it was time I explored some younger flesh, and my insides did a dizzying flip at my naughty decision.
I turned back to him, and my breath caught in my throat at his side profile. The discreet downlighting captured the golden tones of his slicked-back hair, and his beard was thick and bushy, adding length to his already strong chin.
“What brings you to the Gold Coast, Mr. Diederik?”