Page 33 of Tease Me
I contemplated hiding my stupid turmoil from her.
“Tell me!”
Avoiding the question was pointless. Lolita would get it out of me anyway. “I think he’s moving a bit faster than I am. He has a daughter, and I’mnot sureI want an instant family. He’s ready to settle down, but I want to travel the world before I have kids . . .” I blurted out every stupid doubt I had about Clayton. “He’s amazing, and I should be so lucky to catch a man like him but . . . but. . .”
“Oh, babe, you have every right to have those doubts.”
“Of course. Kids are hard work, and they’llimpact greatly ona new relationship. Hell, they impact every relationship. I understand exactly what you mean.”
I sighed. “I’m still not ready.”
“There’s no need to hurry.He’snot going anywhere. Just keep doing what you’re doing and see what happens. You still have twenty-one weeks left of your challenge.” It didn’t surprise me that she knew how many weeks were left. Lolly knew everything.
“But I feel like I’m cheating on him.”
“Bullshit,” sheblurted. “You’re not. You haven’t committed tohimyet. He’s just one of the guys you’ve metso farthis year. You’re not cheating on any of them.”
Was that true?I went silentas I thoughtabout the men I’d already seen a few times.Henry, Corben, Billy, Hunter, and Clayton. They were all so different; it was no wonder I was confused.
“Now,” she said, grabbing my attention, “what’re you doing tonight?”
I frowned. “Tonight? Working, of course.”
“Right. Well, I have a new challenge for you. You need to find a man and have wild, crazy, mind-blowing birthday sex. You, Jane Nichols, will have the best birthday ever. That’s an order.”
I laughed at her unbridled enthusiasm. “I’ve already had the best birthday ever.”
“And that’s a little sad. This new challenge is going to shoot it out of the stratosphere. Promise me you’ll do it.”
“I can’t promise that. There are too many variables.”
“Variablesschmariables.I don’t want excuses. I just want to hear all about your birthday sex when I call you tomorrow. Promise now. Quick.”
Through my laughter, I made the ridiculous promise.
But I had no idea how I was going to keep it.
Chapter Nine
Five hours later, I made my way downstairs to start my shift.
“Happy birthday.” Marjorie held a floral-wrapped package toward me and pulled me in for a hug.
“Thank you.” I tore open the wrapping to reveal a pamper set with bubble bath, scented oil, and body lotion. All the gifts she gave me were similar—not that I was complaining. Anything to do with a bath was perfect for me.
“This is lovely. I just finished the bubble bath you gave me for Christmas. Thank you.”
“I know you like your baths. Now I’ve gotta dash. I hope you have a peaceful night.”
I don’t. I nearly giggled as I thought about Lolita’s new challenge.
Exactly one hour later, the perfect variable strolled through the glass doors. As he walked across the marble tiles toward me, I studied my stunning potential birthday present. He wore a black waistcoat, buttoned up over a white long-sleeved shirt. Black slacks hugged his very narrow hips, and his black shoes were polished so highly that they flashed in the lobby lighting as he glided across the floor. I was probably grinning like a silly teenager by the time he arrived at my counter.
“Welcome to the Hot Horizon Hotel.”
“Bonjour. I’m Sebastien De Marco.” He held up two long, slender fingers. “Checking in for deux nights.” His French accent oozed sexuality.