Page 35 of Tease Me
I had to force my mind to work, and I licked my lips. “Hello. I was wondering if you could help me?”
“Oui. What is the problème?”
Oh my, that accent . . . my insides purred.
I gripped my shawl and swallowed. “I . . .” I closed my eyes, hoping the blank canvas would help me focus. “I overheard you checking in downstairs. And, well . . . it’s my birthday, and I was wondering if you would have a dance with me.”
I opened my eyes.
Sebastien hadn’t moved. He stood, his feet slightly apart, knees locked in place, one hand holding the door open, and the other hand resting on his non-existent hip.
I licked my lips, and my breath trapped in my throat as I waited out the silence.
Please don’t make this my worst birthday ever!
Chapter Ten
My heart pounded in my ears as I waited for a birthday miracle.
A small smile curled at the edges of Sebastien mouth as he held his right hand toward me. “S'il vous plaît, madame, puis-je avoir cette danse?”
I had no idea what he’d said, but every word of it sounded perfect. I allowed him to take my hand and guide me into the room. His other hand caressed the small of my back, and he yanked me toward him. Facing each other we were joined at the hips—literally.
My breath left me as I looked up into green eyes that devoured me with their intensity.
Sebastien slipped my bag to the floor and put one arm around my shoulder. His hips manipulated me in a move that I’d never experienced before, and we glided into the room. Our feet were as one as he twirled me around, the whole time keeping us glued together.
I was transported to another world, swallowed up by the tangible sexuality of this gorgeous man. We crossed the room, moving as one, keeping pace to music that only he heard. Near the spiral staircase, he paused, eased over to one side, and dipped me back. The swiftness of the move had me gasping, yet I felt completely safe in his arms.
As I looked up into his eyes, he reached toward my neck with his free hand, and with fingers as soft as a lover’s touch, he gracefully removed the shawl from around my neck. Every inch of my body tingled with desire.
It wasn’t just the way he held me, the way he touched me—it was the way he looked at me as if he could really, truly see into my soul.
I didn’t get to savor that moment though as he raised me upright again, gripped me in his magnificent arms, and whisked me around the room. I pressed my palm to his back and felt every defined muscle with his movements.
I had no idea how he was doing this as I was a terrible dancer. The only way to get me to dance usually involved alcohol. Sebastien, however, was a skilled artist, painting the floor with his light-footed moves and guiding me along with him. My boobs jiggled in time to his steps, and the sensuality of the dance had my insides squirming for more. I forgot about my enormous heels and my uncoordinated legs and let him lead me around the decadent penthouse furniture with ease.
Together we crossed the room, and near the front door he flicked off a few lights, casting us into elegant darkness. He caressed me again, and we twirled and danced, spinning around until I giggled with dizziness.
Suddenly, he dipped me back, and this time he raised one finger, touched it to my lips, and then glided it over my chin and down my neck. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes as he trailed it down between my breasts.
My breathing quickened as he held me there, exploring my torso with excruciatingly slow precision. He tugged the knot at my hip, and before I knew it, my dress fell away.
I snapped my eyes open, and Sebastien rose me to my feet and spun me around. Two seconds later my dress was off, and I didn’t know whether to giggle or gasp.
He twirled his hand in the air. “Il est magique, oui?”
I blinked at him. I had no idea what he’d said, but if Sebastien kept talking to me like that, I’d let him do whatever he wanted.
When he frowned, I thought that maybe he needed a response.
“I . . . I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you said.”
“Oh, of course. I said it was magic.”
I laughed, and his smile just made this incredibly sexy man even more so.