Page 4 of Tease Me
I put a forkful of mince in my mouth as I debated what to say. In the end, I decided the truth wouldn’t hurt. “I grew up in Mildura with Mom and Dad and a brother,who’snow a professional football player.”
“Oh really? What’s his name?”
Oh, God. I coughed on my mince. I’dtotallywalked into that trap.AsI held a napkin over my mouth and coughed up a lung, Hunter reached aroundto gently pat my back.
“Geez, are you okay?”
I nodded and wiped a tear away from my eye. “Sorry about that. I think it went down the wrong way.” I gulped the water. Damn, this dating business was tricky.
Hunter resumed eating, and as I sipped my coffee, I hoped he’d forget what he’d asked. The best way to help him do that would be to ask him something. “So, do you have children?” Good one, Jane. Straight to the jugular.
“No, you?”
I shook my head. “No.” I scooped another mouthful of mince into my mouth. “Do you like to travel?”
His eyes lit up. “I love to travel. How about you?”
“I haven’t done any yet, but I will one day. Where’ve you been?”
“Being a chocolatier, I’ve had to visit some of the most magnifique places in ze world.” He slipped into a terrible fake French accent, and Iburst out laughing. Hunter feigned horror at my teasing, and we giggled together.
The rest of our breakfast was a lovely mix of laughter and curiosity. It was so relaxing listening tohiswonderfulstories about all theamazingplaceshe’dvisited inhissearch for the finest ingredients in the world.
His passion for travelwas equaledby hispassionfor The Sweet Spot, his chocolate business. We laughed and chatted for so long that when I looked at the time on my phone, Iwas shocked to seethat I’d lost fourwonderfulhours with my perfect stranger.
When it was time to stand, Hunter placed his hand on the small of my back and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Well, Just Memphis, it’s been a delight.”
A giddy flutter danced across my insides. “I agree.”
“Would you like me to walk you to your room?”
Oh, God. I’d love that so much.
Thankfully, my brain kicked in just in time to stop my wish from being blurted out. “No, that’s okay. I’m catching up with a friend for lunch, so I’ll just keep going.” I felt rotten lying to him again.
He touched my elbow. “May I ask for your number?”
Oh God. If I give him my number, how will I know to answer as Memphis?
Chapter Two
My heart skipped about a thousand beats. “My number?” I repeated to Hunter, like a complete fool.
“Yes. Your phone number.” He cocked his head.
“Oh, oh um . . .”
His shoulders sagged. “You don’t have to.”
“It’s not that.It’sum . . .just that I workshift workand I . . . ummm . . .”
“You never told me that.”
“That you work shift work. What do you do?”
Oh, shit.Thisis getting messy.“I’m a croupier at the casino.” I hadabsolutelyno idea where that lie came from.