Page 40 of Tease Me
He’s probably fast asleep.Thisis a stupid idea.
Two minutes later, I decidedthatif he didn’t open the door this time, I’d give up.
With a deep breath that I let out in a big gush, I knocked again.
The door cracked open, and Mason squinted at me through the small gap. “What?” he barked.
I jerked back.
“Sorry. I thought you were my brother.” He opened the door a fraction more and stifled a yawn.
“Did I wake you?”
“Yeah.” He rubbed his left eye.
“Oh damn, I’m really sorry.”
“Who are you?” The door opened a fraction more, and I could see him better. He wore only a pair of tight black trunks, which allowed me to see all the lovely muscles lining his torso.
I felt terrible for waking him. I knew exactly what it was like to have little sleep. “It’s okay, I’m sorry to bother you.”
With his eyeliner gone, he looked like any normal guy. Asmoking-hot-rockstar kind of normal guy, that is. “Look lady, you’ve already woken me,least you can do is tell me why.”
“Oh, well.” I flicked a wayward hair out of my eye. “I’m staying in this hotel, too, and I saw you check in yesterday.” I shrugged. “And I couldn’t believe my luck when you played at The Avenue last night. I was there with a bunch of girlfriends.”
I wiggled my head and hoped like hell that my lie was convincing. “I’m a groupie.”I’m also a bloody idiot. I giggled, hoping he’d laugh too.
He didn’t.He blinked at me. Blinkedsome more.Maybe he thought he was dreaming or something.
I decided to replicate what Henry said to me the other week. “Anyway, the thing is, a long time ago, I had a steamy moment with a guy in a band, and it was. . .” I rolled my eyes skyward, searching for an apt description. “Well, it was underwhelming. And I was wondering if you would be interested in. . .”I tugged my dress up my thigh a fraction. “In creating a new memory for me.”
His jaw dropped, but other than that, he barely moved.
“It’s okay, I’ll go.” I curled my thumb over my shoulder, indicating to the elevator.
“No. No. Umm.” He opened the door a fraction more but seemed unsureofwhat to do next.
“May I come in?”
He peered down the hallwaylike he wasexpecting his brother to be there or something, thenhestepped back.“Sure.”
I walked to his dining table, hooked my bag over the chair, and turned to Mason.
He strode to the bed and sat on the end with his hands on his knees like he was expecting me to put on a show.
Challenge accepted.
No pointwasting time.I pulled the dress upandover my head, tossed it over the back of the chair and stood a few feet away from him wearing just a black bra and panties.
Mason still hadn’t moved, but the bulge beneath the trucks had grown. That was something. . .I guess.“Do you want me to continue?”
He nodded and drove his long fingers through his thick hair.
I reached behind my back, unclipped my bra, and flung it toward him, but he didn’t grab it like I thought he would, and my bra fell at his feet.
Mason did lick his lips, though, so taking that as a positive sign, I caressed my breasts and tried to imagine his hands on me. My thoughts tumbled back a decade, and I recalled myfrenziedbarnyard romp with my last band member - Joel Parkinson. Would Mason be more gentle orharderthan Joel had been?
I parted my legs and rolled my hand down my body into my panties and touched my clit.