Page 52 of Tease Me
Seven hours later, I woke feeling completely refreshed.I’d had a surprisingly great sleep, considering the morning I’d had.I jumped into the shower and washed my hair. After a quick blow-dry, I made a simple meal of grilled salmon and a salad that I tossed out of a packet.
With a sneaky glass of wine and my wholesome meal in hand, I moved out to the balcony.The rain had stopped, and the setting sun cast aninterestingsepia color over the ocean. People wereoutin droves on the beach again, enjoying the mild breeze and the final gasps of sunshine. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was, and I finished my meal in about two minutes flat.
As I sat back and sippedmy wine, I considered Lolly’s idea.With eachmouthful ofShaw & Smith Sauvignon Blanc, the concept of going home grew more appealing.Itrulyhad changed since I’d moved to the Gold Coast. And not just in looks. I was now a strong, independent woman . . . who was having sexon a weekly basis. I giggled.
Alexander may have cheated on me with nearly every woman in Mildura, but at least the sex I had didn’t hurt anyone.In fact,it did the opposite. I always felt better afterward, and I wasprettysure the men I met did, too.
As if on cue,a man strolling from the shoreline with his pants rolled up and shoes in his hand caught my eye.His knitted jumper alerted me to his identity. It was Cameron, the wedding planner.
I was pleased for him; it looked like the weatherwas going tobe nice tomorrow after all. As I tried to picture him without the worried scowl on his face, the idea of going to him and having a rollicking good romp before my shift snapped into my mind.
I took my dishes inside, tossed them into my sink, and with another top-up of my wine, I headed to the bathroom.
Cameron and I had chatted for some time this morning, so I needed to change my eye color. I chose brown today and popped the contact lenses with ease. Applying more than enough makeup, I transformed myself into Memphis and selected the cute blonde bobbed wig.
At my closet,I debated what to wear.I wanted to make this a bit of fun. Cameron needed cheering up, and I also wanted to show him that not all women were bridezillas.
The poor man needed fixing.
With that thought, I pulled my naughty nurse uniform from the clothes hangar.
Chapter Fifteen
Giggling, I held the naughty nurse uniform against me.Thisisexactlywhat Cameron needs.
Last time I’d wornthis, I didn’t wear any underwear. It was wonderful to have clothes with fabulous memories to go with them. This time I chose a white bra and a G-stringthat wasmade from barely any fabric at all.I put on my lacy stockings and secured them at the top of my thigh with the decorated elastic trim. I pulled on the costume and tugged ittogetherat the front to do up the zipper.
I chuckled as I stood in front of the mirror. It sure was sexy. Now for the shoes.
I tugged my boots from the bottom of my closet, slipped into them, and did up the back zipper.By the timeIwas dressedand ready, my insides curled with excitement.
With my trench coat covering my naughty Memphis outfit, I grabbed my bag with its trusty supplies and headed toward Cameron. I just hoped he was ready and willing to have a little bit of fun. As I rode the elevator down to the next floor, I fiddled with my wig in the mirror.
The pep talk I’d had with Lolita this morning made me feel amazing.I am invincible.
Thanks to Lolly, I couldn’t wait to show all the people back home the new me.
In the meantime, I had a sexy man waiting for me in room seven who needed cheering up. And I was inexactlythe right mood to do it.
I strode to his door, removed my coat, fiddled with my boobs a little, and then knocked. After a couple of heartbeats, the door opened, and his jaw dropped.
“Hi.” I did a silly wave thing. “I, ummm, saw you downstairs, and you looked a little sad. I thought you’d like some cheering up.” I bobbled my head like a ditzy teenager.
“Oh, well, geez. This’s a little embarrassing.”
“What is?”
“Ummm, well, I’ve never had a . . .”
Oh God, he thinks I’m a hooker.
I guess with my costume,he could be forgivenfor thinking that.
“Oh, it’s nothing like that. I’m not a prostitute or anything. I’m just a single woman who’s horny, and,” I leaned in to whisper, “I like to masturbate in front ofcompletestrangers.”
It’s official. I’ve lost my fucking marbles.
His jaw dropped more, and his eyes bulged.