Page 69 of Tease Me
I raised my hips and parted my knees, and when his attention turned to my pussy a delicious shudder rolled through me.Henry’s gaze was drivenwith intensity as he cast my underwear onto the rug.
I glided my hands up and down my thighs as I pumped my knees open and closed in a little game of peek-a-boo. The anticipation was excruciating. Yet I could wait forhimall day. Henry was my suave tutor, and when hewas teachingme a new move, I was his ready and willing pupil.
Finally, he placed his hands on my knees and sucked in a shaky breath. His trembling fingers glided down my thighs and parted my legs. He licked his lips and leaned forward, and the second his tongue touched my pussy, I clawed at the blanket and gasped.
He raised my right leg,and his left hand cuppedbehind my knee.His hot tongue glided up and down my velvet folds as the fingers on his other hand entered me. As his tongue licked my clit, hot,hard, and wet, his finger probed in and out of my pussy with fevered thrusts. Rockets shot through me that lit up every nerve in my body.
My orgasm hit me, fast and explosive, and I screamed as I climaxed.
As I drove my fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair, Henry’s head bobbed up and down as he lapped my juices. His fingers continued to plunge, drawing out every last drop of lust from my body.
I heard nothing.I smelled nothing. ButI felt every single exquisite sensation that rippled through me.Hedidn’t just take me to the edge; Henry took me way beyond. It was sensation overload, and a magical euphoria gripped me, eliminating everything elsein the worldexcept my body. He had a gift, and I was so willing to take it.
It was an eternity before he eased up from between my thighs. His glazed eyes and partially opened lips made him look drunk.Drunkon ecstasy.
He licked his lips. “Yummy.”
“Thank you.”
He chuckled. “You’re getting better at this.” He smiled that glorious smile that said everything in the world was perfect.
I propped up on my elbows and drew my knees together, and that was when I noticed the dark stain on his trousers. He looked down at his pants and then at me, but he didn’t look embarrassed.In fact,he seemed pleased. “You do that to me.”
His look of pure satisfaction made me smile with him.
He reached into his bag and handed me a towel.“Excuse me for a second,” he said,then he grabbed the bag and disappearedinto the bushes.
Using the solitude to wipe myself, I once again marveled at how messy sex had become. I tugged on my undies and stood up in time to see Henry walk toward me. He’d changed his pants.
“Wow, you are organized.”
“Yep, you should know that by now.”
It was true.Every moment with Henry seemedto beperfectly choreographed.I wondered if I’d be able to keep up with that perfection.
I didn’t geta chanceto ponder that question because Henry grabbed my cheeks and kissed me, just a simple, fun kiss.
He grabbed the blanket and dragged it to the side to shake off the sand. “Hungry?” He asked as he folded the blanket into the bag.
“Good.” He clutched my palm to his, and with my bag over my shoulder and my hat on my head again, he led me back down to the beach.
We were silent as we strolled back toward where the plane had dropped us off.
“What’s that?” I pointed at an umbrella in the distance.
“That’s lunch.”
Beneath the blue-and-white umbrellawasa small wooden table and two chairs. A metal bucket was nestled in the sand to one side, and the foil top on thetop of thechampagne bottle inside,glistened in the sunshine.
Henry pulled out a chair for me, and I sat. He popped the cork on the champagne, and bubbles fizzed as he topped up our two glasses. He put the bottle back in the bucket, offered me one of the glasses, and held hisownforward. “Here’s to secluded beaches.”
I giggled. “To secluded beaches.” Our glasses chimed as we brought them together.
The champagne was cold, sweet, and delicious.
Henry gave me a plate and cutlery and grabbed a set for himself, then he removed the lids off the Tupperware and positioned them about the table. The selection was magnificent, and my stomach rumbling increased with everydish thatwas revealed.Once he’d finished,there was very little roomleft on the table.