Page 72 of Tease Me
“Yes. Now I know I have until the end of the year to teach you a few more things.”
I burst out laughing and reached for my champagne. “I’ll drink to that.”
We chinked our glasses together, and I drank the delicate bubbles.
The following hour was consumedwith eating and talking much more freely about ourselves. I learned more abouthislife, career, and children, and he, in turn, learned more about my life in Mildura, my job, and Lolita.
A dull roar preceded the return of our plane, and we gracefully landed on the water and glided right up to our beachside picnic.We helped Steve pack up the equipment,andweclimbed back into the plane.Henry took the front positionthis time, and I settled into the seat behind him.
The flight back was much shorter as the pilot took a more direct route, and we landed at Seaworld Resort within twenty minutes.
Once we were back on the sand, Henry handed the pilot some money and shook his hand. A delightful sense of contentment washed over me as we strolled back to the car and hopped in.
“Thank you for a magical day,” I said.
“Thank you for fulfilling another one of my bucket list items.”
“Which one? The plane flight or the sex on the beach?”
He laughed. “Actually,you’re nearly right. It was a seaplane flight and sex on a deserted island.”
“We didn’t have sex.”
“We had fun, though.” He raised his eyebrows as if seeking confirmation.
“Yes, we had fun. Are you flying home now?”
“No, as a matter of fact, I’m staying in your hotel, room ten.”
I turned and frowned at him. “You’re kidding?”
“When did you check in?”
“Around seven o’clock this morning. I must’ve just missed you.”
“But don’t worry—I’ll forgive you if you don’t sneak into my room.”
“I have work later.”
“I know.”
“And I need to get some sleep now.”
“Jane, it’s okay. I know.”
When we arrived at the hotel, he used his room access card to open the security gate, drovedownto the underground car park, and reversed into his designated spot. We climbed out, andthe sound ofour doors closing echoed about the concrete space.
I didn’t want to walk into the hotel with him and paused at the front of the car, unsure how to say it.
“So, I guess this is where we say goodbye.”
Wow, he really was intuitive. “Thank you.”