Page 75 of Tease Me
“Um, oh yes. You were the electrician who came in the middle of the night.”
“Yep, Jackson Kane. Your sizzling electrician.”
Mickey scrunched his face at his mate, then splayed his fingers on the counter and pushed them toward me. “My mate and I are looking for Memphis.”
I tried to ignore his intoxicating scent,even though itwas the perfect blend of woody tones and hot-blooded man.“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“It’s okay.”Jackson touched his nose insome kind of‘your secret is safe with me’move.“We won’t tell anyone.”
I shook my head. “Sorry, guys, but you must be mistaken.”
“Right.” Mickey pulled back and inhaled nice and deep, filling out his already broad chest. “Well, when you see her,let her knowwe’re in room thirty-three. Waiting.”
My head spun.They’re in a room. They booked a room. For me? Holy crap.
Mickey turned and strode away, and I swept my attention tothe enormous grin on Jackson’s face.He wriggled his eyebrows. “Tell Memphis her sizzling electrician is waiting.”
Istifled a giggleas hescurriedacross the marble tiles to his mate’s side.
While Jackson jiggled from foot to foot as they waited, Mickey stood, his feet slightly apart, his hips rock-solid as rigid as a battle-hardened soldier. The second they disappeared into the elevator, I glanced at the clock. It was 11.10 p.m. Being a Friday night, there was a good chance Lolita was still awake. As discreetly as I could behind the counter, I madly tapped out a text.
Trouble. 2 men here.
Her reply came in a flash.
2??? Cryptic.
Electrician and plumber.
What? Together?
There was a slight delay before her reply popped up.
Holy shit, well get your gear off and go fuck those 2 puppies.
My phone slippedfrom my handsas I snapped my eyes up from the text. Two young women were at the counter.
I flipped my phone over. “Sorry. How can I help you?”
“Can you tell us where the nearest taxi stand is?”
“There isn’t one nearby, but I can call a cab for you. Where are you going?”
“We were thinking about the Hard Rock Cafe.”
I tried to ignore my dinging phone. “Okay. I can call a taxi for you, but at this time of night, it may take a while. The best thing to do would be to walk to the tram station as it goes to Cavill Avenue, and Hard Rock is right there.”
“Is the tram station far?”
My phone started vibrating across the desk, and I palmed it in place.Obviously,Lolly was trying to ring me now. “No, only about a ten-minute walk.”
As I gave the women directions, my phone dinged again, and a hot flush blazed up my neck.
The second the ladies disappeared out the front sliding glass doors, I flipped my phone over and read her text messages.