Page 108 of Catch My Fall
“Yeah. I have many happy memories there from when I was younger, it’s one of the reasons I took Sierra there.”
“And we’re grateful. The change in her since you left is undeniable. Despite what’s happened the last few days and from what I heard from Della and Reese while you were away, she’s happy.”
“Yes, I like to think she is,” I agree.
“But I think we have you to thank for that. Am I right?”
My stomach lurches. “How long have you known?”
He leans back in his chair. “I’m not stupid. Give me some credit for not being a total moron. I’ve known long before you even left.”
I take a deep breath. “Gage, I understand if you no longer want me working for you. I broke your trust and betrayed our friendship and for that I am sorry. I know what I’ve been doing with Sierra is highly unprofessional on my part, but I love your sister more than anything and as selfish as it may sound, I refuse to give her up.” I don’t think I take a single breath as I lay it all out flat, spilling my guts and it feels surprisingly good.
“Alec, I’ve known there was something between the two of you for some time now, I saw how you looked at each other when you met last year, and quite frankly it’s about fucking time,” Gage says.
I blink at him, my mouth opening and closing as words fail me. He makes it sound as though he’s been waiting for it to happen.
“Alec,” he begins, leaning forward on his elbows, “you think I don’t notice how you look at her? How you watch her when you think no one sees? The way you look at my sister is no doubt the same way I look at my wife every single day. I knew something would happen between you two sooner or later, I just wanted to see the lengths you’d go to, to go after what you want.”
“So, you’re saying the whole ‘I’ll chop your balls off and feed them to you’ threat was a test?”
“And you passed with flying colours,” he replies with a satisfied grin.
“You bastard,” I scoff, shaking my head as a smile grows on my face.
“You chose to fight for my sister. Sierra deserves the best, and all I’ve wanted for my sister was for a man who would stop at nothing to keep her safe, to never put her in harm’s way and love her with every part of him, I’m in no doubt that man is you, Alec. I know you’d never let anyone lay a finger on my sister. Sierra’s lucky to have you fighting in her corner and that you’re there for her in a way Rafe and I can’t be. You are one of the best men I know, and I’m sure I can speak on behalf of Rafe when I say this, but I for one am proud to call you a friend.”
“Damn straight.” Rafe nods in agreement, slapping a hand on my leg. “You’re one of us, Al, and I’m glad our sister has you.”
“Thank you, it means a lot.”
“You don’t have to thank us, Alec, it should be us thanking you.”
The door to Alec’s room opens to my left and my brothers step out, not surprised in the slightest to find me with my ear practically glued to the wall.
I caught some of the conversation between the three of them, but the walls are thick here, and it’s not easy to eavesdrop.
“Is he still alive in there?” I ask.
Rafe drapes an arm around Gage’s shoulders. “What do you take us for, little Hudson? Of course he’s alive.”
“And in one piece, I swear.” Gage draws an invisible cross over his chest, a smile tugging at his mouth as he stops in front of me, his expression turning serious. “Does he make you happy, sis?”
“So happy,” I say, the words falling from my lips with ease.
He reaches forward, squeezing my forearm. “Good. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, you know? For you to be happy, and safe. I know I’ve been overprotective and overbearing in the past, but it’s only because I want the best for you. You’re my baby sister and I love you.”
“I love you too. Both of you,” I say, my eyes flicking across to Rafe before I reach out for both of them. They close in and envelope me in a hug, sandwiched in between them. I can’t remember the last time we did this, maybe when we were kids? But it feels so good.
“I um… I need to tell you something,” Gage begins. “We said no more secrets between us a while back, and I intend to keep that promise, so this is the final one…”
I ready myself for what he’s about to tell me, and by the grave expression on his face, I’m anticipating that it’s bad.
“I knew Dad didn’t have long left to live. When he had the stroke last year, they did some scans at the hospital and Dad told me that the cancer had spread to his lungs and to his liver and that his life expectancy was shorter than we first thought. He made me promise to keep it to myself because he didn’t want you to worry.”