Page 27 of Catch My Fall
I start towards the bed again, and Alec walks beside me, a steady hand on the small of my back as I settle back onto the mattress.
He runs a hand through his hair, and I notice the hint of uncertainty in his eyes, and it’s a look I’m not familiar with. “I should uh… get out of your hair.”
“No. Stay.”
His face brightens at my words and without a moment’s hesitation, he lowers himself into the chair beside me.
Silence falls between us, neither one of us knowing what to say to the other. I can’t remember a time I ever felt this awkward around him. Conversations have always flowed so easily between us, whether it was flirty banter or something more serious, I was never left stuck on what to say.
“It was you holding my hand when I woke up the other day, wasn’t it?”
“I’m so sorry I flipped out on you, I thought you were someone else.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s understandable considering the circumstances.”
“It was weird. I heard your voice, I heard you call me princess like you always do, but the face I saw wasn’t yours, it was one of theirs.”
“I shouldn’t have been in here, the last thing I wanted was to make things more difficult for you.” He scrubs his stubbled face like he wants to say something else. “This is probably a stupid question but, how are you doing?”
“Honestly? Not great,” I reply. “Thank you. For coming to my rescue. For saving my life and for risking yours to save mine. If it hadn’t been for you, I might not be here right now.”
He flinches, like the thought pains him. “You don’t ever have to thank me, princess. I was just doing what I was hired to do.”
“Was that the only reason?” The question slips out before I can stop it.
His eyes burn into mine. “You know that’s not the only reason.” It’s a loaded answer that neither of us need expand on.
Except for the moment of weakness at my birthday party, we’ve never openly expressed our attraction to each other, or how deeply we care, but we both know it without a word ever being spoken of it.
“I knew you’d come for me.”
There’s a sadness in his gaze, but it’s not a look of pity, it’s one of regret. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner. We searched for you day and night. And then there were those fucking pictures and that video…” he grits out.
I cringe. I know exactly what he’s referring to. “Don’t give them another thought, please. I’m safe now, you made sure of that. I just want to put it all behind me. I don’t want you to think of me like… that.” Weak. Violated. Broken.
“My guy, Max, he works for the FBI. He helped me get you out. He’s going to stop by soon to ask you a few questions when you’re feeling up to it.”
“Okay,” I say quietly.
He slumps back into his chair and releases a long drawn-out yawn that he covers with the back of his hand.
“Alec, will you do something for me?”
“Go home. You’re exhausted and as much as I appreciate you standing guard outside my door day and night, I need you to take care of yourself too. Go home and sleep. Have something to eat. I’ll still be here when you get back.”
“I don’t want to leave you. Unprotected, I mean.”
“I won’t be. I’m assuming my brothers aren’t too far away?”
“They’re outside.”
“See? I’ll be fine. Please, go. Do it for me?”
After a moment, he nods, rising from the chair. “I’ll see you later, princess.”