Page 57 of Catch My Fall
She tastes divine.
I peer down to find her eyes on me. I press a kiss to her forehead. “Are you okay?”
“I’ve never been better.” She smiles up at me, that one look shooting straight to my heart.
“I’m playing with fire by touching you, Sierra. Your brother’s definitely going to have me castrated now, but you know what?”
“It’ll be worth it.”
The next day, we pull up outside my uncle’s house and I shove the car into park. It’s exactly as I remember it from when I was a teenager. It’s a small white house in the suburbs further inland about half a mile outside of town.
The same beat up old pickup truck sits on the driveway as it always has since I was a child. I don’t understand how he’s managed to make it last all these years, it was a death trap twenty years ago, I hate to think what it’s like now.
My stomach rolls with the thought of seeing my uncle again. Our relationship was strained towards the end. I resented him for giving me an ultimatum, the one where I had the choice of getting kicked out on my ass or signing up to serve my country. I’ve never been the type to feel uncomfortable in any situation, regardless what it is, but today I feel totally out of my depth, though having Sierra here eases some of those nerves inside me.
As if sensing my discomfort, Sierra’s hand slips into mine as we head up the steps to the house, giving it a comforting squeeze. “It’s gonna be okay, you know?”
Something has shifted between us since last night. After I made her come on my fingers in the dining room, I carried her up to her room and did the same with her laid out on her bed.
My mouth watered to throw her legs over my shoulders and taste her pussy on my tongue, but I didn’t want to push her too hard too fast. Didn’t want to try to run before we learned to walk. She still has a lot of insecurities and fears to conquer, and I don’t want to put any pressure on her.
I shouldn’t have kissed her. I shouldn’t have touched her but I was powerless to stop it.
Whatever this is between us—because there’s no denying that there is, I want to take it at her pace, with the ball firmly in her court.
At some point during the night, we both fell asleep, because the next thing I knew I was waking up in her bed with her body tucked against me, her head resting over my heart, exactly where she’s always meant to be. Just the thought of waking up this morning next to her has my heart swelling with a mix of emotions.
When we reach the front door, I ring the doorbell and through the frosted glass, my heart thunders when I see movement on the other side.
A few moments later, the door opens and it’s like being transported back in time. Suddenly, I’m eighteen years old again, saying goodbye to my uncle for the last time before I headed off to serve my country.
His hair has turned grey and thinned out over the years and he’s lost a little weight since the last time I saw of him, though the one thing that hasn’t changed is the prickly salt and pepper beard that covers his face.
I give him a tight-lipped smile. “Ray.”
He looks me over for a good few seconds, his eyes sweeping over me with a look I can’t decipher before he breaks out into the widest smile I think I’ve ever seen him wear. “Damn, it sure is good to see you, son.”
He steps out onto the porch and pulls me into his arms in a tight embrace and I don’t hesitate to hug him back. All of the nerves that coiled in my belly faded the second he wrapped me in his arms and I didn’t realise until right now just how much I needed this. Uncle Ray has been the only family I’ve known since my parents died, and rather than give me up, he took me in and raised me alongside his own son, Daniel. Things weren’t easy, but he made it work.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” Pulling back from me, Ray’s eyes fall on Sierra who’s watching the display in front of her. “And who’s this beautiful young lady? Alec, are you going to introduce us?”
I slide my arm around Sierra’s waist. “Ray this is Sierra. She’s…” What the fuck do I call her? My boss’ sister? A woman I call a friend but would love nothing more than to call my girlfriend, my future wife?
I glance down to her to find her hazel eyes on me, waiting patiently for me to continue.
“…she’s… very special to me.”
Sierra smiles softly up at me, letting the warmth of my words wash over her. She knows I’m not lying, but I’m not going to even begin to label what we are because I have absolutely no idea, just as she has no idea how far my feelings for her really go.
“Princess, this is my uncle, Ray.”
She beams at him, reaching out her hand. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
He takes her hand in both of his. “Likewise, sweetheart. I’m guessing you’re who I have to thank for bring my nephew back to me?”