Page 59 of Catch My Fall
“Then un-complicate it for me.”
I sigh. “You know I mentioned I’m in private security now? Well, I work for her brothers.”
“Gage made me promise not to touch her. Out of respect to him, I shouldn’t. I’m lucky enough to call him and Rafe friends and I don’t want to jeopardise that. But every day that passes, it gets harder and harder.”
“I’m still failing to see what’s so complicated.”
“She’s been through a lot of shit lately, that’s why we’re out here, for her to get away and have time to heal. She’s in a vulnerable place right now, and I don’t want to take advantage of that.”
Ray turns to face me. “The way I see things, all those hurdles between you and that sweet, beautiful girl, you’ve put there yourself to convince yourself you’re no good for her. But you and I both know that ain’t the truth. That girl is head over heels for you, any dumb idiot can see that. And where her brothers are concerned? If they were any kind of friends, they’d know you’d never hurt their sister.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “You’re a good man, Alec, and that little lady needs a man like you in her life, to love and protect her like a man should.”
One of the things I always admired about my uncle was how wise he is, and together with his directness and lack of bullshit it’s a dangerous combination, because nine times out of ten he’s always right.
Sierra’s footsteps skip down the stairs and a second later, she heads back through the kitchen.
“Just in time. Looks like dinner’s ready,” Ray announces.
We sit down to eat around the table, reminiscing about old times—minus the years where I was a total asshole, and Sierra listens with rapt attention. I think I spend more time watching her than I did actually eating. I can’t keep my eyes off her.
“You took your dad’s old boat out on the water yet?” Ray asks.
“Not yet.”
“You should take Sierra out there, take her around the gulf. It’s beautiful this time of year.”
Sierra’s eyes light up. “I’d love that. Alec?”
“I’d love that too.”
“Thank you for having us today, Ray. I’ve loved meeting you and hearing about Alec growing up.”
“It’s my pleasure, sweetheart. Couldn’t think of a better day than today for my favourite nephew to visit after all these years.”
“Only nephew,” I correct.
“Why, what’s today?” Si asks, looking between Ray and me.
“It’s um…” I clear my throat, “It’s my birthday,” I admit.
Her eyes widen as her cutlery falls from her hands onto the table with a clatter. “What? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I haven’t celebrated my birthday in a long time, I guess it just slipped my mind.” It’s not a total lie. I didn’t forget what day it was, but I haven’t celebrated a birthday since I lost my parents, it never felt right to celebrate another year without them, another year that leaves them behind.
Her eyes soften and there’s a hint of sadness in them as she peers over at me. “But I would’ve got you a gift.”
I offer her a comforting smile, sliding my hand across the table to cover hers. “I don’t need a gift from you, princess. All I need is you, with me, safe. That’s all I want.”
I know she wants to press for more, but to my relief she lets it lie, for now, and after we’ve eaten, we help clean up the table and talk a little more over drinks, and much to my dissatisfaction, Ray pulls out the family photos.
Sierra sits beside Ray, peering over the album that sits open in Ray’s lap. The two of them chat and laugh like they’ve known each other for years, and I love how at ease she feels here.
I did wonder whether bringing her here was a good idea. I’m supposed to be protecting her, that’s what I’ve been hired to do, and I should be minimising unnecessary risks, but I couldn’t come back to Maine after almost two decades and not reconnect with my family.
But now as I watch them, I know it was a good call to bring her with me. I’ve never allowed anybody in, never revealed too much of myself for fear of them getting too close. At first I tried to hold Sierra at a distance, but that soon became impossible.