Page 67 of Catch My Fall
I hate going behind his back. Fucking his sister isn’t what he meant by taking care of her, but I did it anyway. I have a sudden urge to come clean. I’ve never lied to him once in the time I’ve been working for him and I don’t want to start now, but I’m not sure how to form the words.
“All good here. Sierra is doing well. The nightmares have subsided and she’s getting healthier, mentally, every day. How is everything back home? Any news on Austin?”
There’s a pause on his end that has my stomach dropping. “We had an attempted break-in the night before last. They managed to bypass the gates but didn’t get into the house, the guards apprehended two men, there’s no doubt they’re Austin’s guys.”
I run a hand over my stubbled face. “Fuck.”
“We got some information out of them. They were sent as scouts to see how easy it would be to get in and report back to Sloane. Suffice it to say, they won’t be going back.”
“I’ll call Max later and see if he’s any closer to finding that slimy bastard. Are the women okay? The kids?”
“Della was a little shaken, given what happened last year when Bryce’s guys broke in.”
Della was home alone when Bryce Tanner, Austin’s now-dead brother, had a few of his guys try to take her. It ended in a couple of our men being killed and Della being forced to kill a man to protect herself, something Gage still blames himself for. Della’s father had promised her to Tanner, and knowing what a nasty piece of work he is, and having been in love with Della for years, Gage saw fit to steal her away from him and make her his wife instead. Bryce never gave up in his pursuit of her, and it ended up killing him.
“I hear you. I was actually wondering about giving Sierra some self-defence lessons in case she ever finds herself in a situation where she needs it.”
“That’s a good idea, Alec. You know I trust your judgement in what’s best for Si.”
“Her safety is my top priority. I have to tell her about the break-in, I can’t lie to her.” I won’t.
“I understand that. Let me know if anything happens.”
“Of course.” We say goodbye and I hang up, returning to the bedroom to find Sierra sat up, the bed sheets clutched to her bare chest.
Her matter hair, bruised lips and the shy smile she shoots me as I cross the threshold puts a smile on my face. “Morning, princess.”
“Sleep okay?”
She nods. “Like a baby. The monsters in my nightmares don’t find me when you’re near.”
“And the real life ones will never hurt you again, I promise you.” I take her chin in my fingers, guiding her face up enough to press my lips to hers.
If this is what the rest of my life looks like, then sign me the fuck up, because I want nothing other than what is right in front of me.
Her. In my bed. Smiling up at me.
Sierra is my future.
“How does a lesson in self-defence grab you?” I ask.
She pulls herself up onto her knees, letting the sheet drop from around her naked body, her nipples instantly hardening. “Hmm, it depends on the teacher.”
My hands skim down her sides and she shudders beneath my touch. “Well, this teacher doesn’t take any shit, bad behaviour gets punished.”
She eyes me playfully. “Punished how?”
“I guess you’ll find out if you’re naughty. Now get dressed, we’ve got work to do.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Fuck, it’s going to be a long day.
Almost every muscle in my body burns with exertion, the want to collapse in a heap on the floor growing with every single strenuous movement. It’s hot out here today, sweat clings to my skin, beating along my scalp and trickling down the back of my neck.