Page 98 of Catch My Fall
“Max said to say he’s on his way,” Ian says, pocketing his phone as he makes his way over to us.
“Why didn’t he tell us what he was planning?” I ask.
“Because you all had to believe it yourself. If you knew, Austin would’ve sensed something was wrong. We were waiting for the right moment to take him down, and as soon as he dragged you and Sierra in here, I knew I had to act.”
“And it took for the bastard to hold a gun to my sister’s head before you decided to step in?” Gage asks incredulously, his arms folded.
Their voices fade into the background as a loud ringing fills my ears.
“We’re g’na be okay… G’na be fine…” Fatigue overwhelms me all of a sudden, my legs feeling weak beneath me and even talking is an effort.
“Alec?” Sierra asks, her voice sounding muffled as she pulls back to look up at me.
All I can see is her face, though she’s not clear, my entire peripheral vision is black and fuzzy, almost like I’m looking through a kaleidoscope.
Pain slices through my head like lightning as a wave of nausea rolls over me. The room tilts and suddenly I’m falling.
“Alec!” is the last thing I hear, and I’m out before I hit the floor.
I wake for a brief moment, the wail of sirens piercing through me like someone is literally trying to prise my skull in two.
Where am I?
Something acidic fills my mouth and I’m rolled onto my side before a torrent of vomit spews from my mouth, my entire body convulsing.
“Is he going to be okay?” I hear a voice ask, a beautiful, familiar, angelic voice.
Who is that?
“We’ll know more when we get to the hospital, Ma’am,” a deeper voice says.
Why am I going to a hospital? Am I dying? It kind of feels like I am.
I never imagined what death would be like. Would it be peaceful? Or would it hurt?
Everyone who has had a near-death experience has all told of a blinding white light that beckons you forward, coaxing you closer, and I guess they got that part right, because the light right in front of me is brighter than any light I’ve ever seen, even more so than the sun.
“Alec,” that angelic voice calls to me, her voice filling my head, echoing all around me. “Alec, please come back to me. Please don’t leave me,” she cries.
That light ushers me closer and all I want to do is give into it. I reach my hand out towards it. A few more steps and I’m there. It pulls at me like a magnet and I can feel myself wanting to get nearer.
“Alec, I love you,” the beautiful voice says. “I love you so much.”
An image flashes in my mind. An image of a young woman with raven hair, hazel eyes and a smile that would melt even the coldest of hearts.
My love. My heart.
How could I ever forget her?
I snap my hand back, retreating from that beacon of light, and instead I choose to fight.
Fight for my life.
Fight for the woman I’m so madly in love with.
Fight, because just as I begin to slip back into unconsciousness, those three little words are what save me.