Page 48 of A Vineyard for Two
Harper often performed better under pressure, but not when it was in such proximity to her ex, who she slept with only two nights before. The night continued playing over and over in her mind. He made her feel things she’d forgotten existed and it made it all the harder to concentrate on the task at hand. At least being out with Zoe, they could talk about something else.
‘So what are your plans for the florist shop?’ Harper asked. ‘We’ve been so busy focusing on the vineyard that we haven’t had a chance to talk about your inheritance.’
Zoe grinned. ‘It’s going to be great. I’m really looking forward to running it, and I’ve even signed up for an online floristry class. I’ve always liked flowers and arranging is really creative, but to be honest I have no idea what I’m doing. I probably should have started with a business course on how to actually run a small business, but that just seemed too serious. Baby steps I figured.’
‘You’ll learn the business side of things on the job. The same goes for the floristry. But it’s always good to do a course, even if it’s just to meet other people and get some new ideas,’ she said. ‘Have you thought about when you’re going to open up for business?’
Zoe sighed. ‘I’ve been thinking about it a lot. It’s been a while since I’ve been in between jobs and just hanging around in the vineyard and helping Georgia with the house. This is a really good opportunity to get some independence and prove to myself that I can do it on my own. Okay, so it’s not completely on my own — Hugh after all left the business to me — so it’s almost like being handed to me on a silver platter, and I’m going to be forever grateful, but to be frank, Harper, I am so scared of going for it.’
Harper reached for Zoe’s hand and covered it with her palm. ‘It’s always scary before you start. That’s why so few people actually give anything a go.’
Zoe let out a light laugh. ‘That sounds very philosophical, sis.’
‘I must have read it on some social media platform. It’s the truth, though. Everyone is afraid of doing something new. But if there’s excitement with that fear, then that’s a good sign. It’s natural to be scared before embarking on something new.’
‘You don’t seem scared of anything.’
Now it was her turn to laugh. ‘I was scared leaving, and I was scared coming back. Now I’m scared of what I’m going to do next.’ And that had to be the most honest thing she’d admitted even to herself.
Brookes stopped when he heard them talking. Eavesdropping was wrong, but the topic of conversation brought out his curiosity. He wanted to know what they were talking about, and when he heard them mention fear, he couldn’t help but wonder what Harper could be afraid of? Her departure six years earlier was still a mystery and he wondered whether knowing would help him persuade her to stay. Fear had a way of controlling people. It was a powerful emotion.
He gave them a few more moments before taking another step and turning the corner to face their table. Zoe was the first to see him as she was facing the direction he was coming from, and she smiled in recognition. Then Harper turned around, and her expression was not as inviting. She didn’t grimace or anything, but the look of surprise to see him didn’t exactly scream welcoming.
‘Brookes, what are you doing here?’ Zoe said.
‘Just in the area, saw you through the window so thought I’d come and say hi,’ he said, which wasn’t entirely true. ‘I hope I’m not interrupting anything.’
‘Join us for a drink,’ Zoe said.
Was he seeing things, or did Harper stiffen at the suggestion? He shouldn’t be reading into this, but he couldn’t help himself.
‘Zoe was just telling me about her plans for the florist shop,’ Harper said, moving her seat closer to the wall and further away from Brookes. He definitely noticed that, but was it because she didn’t want to be near him, or was she making room for him? God, he felt like an idiot. He was a grown man and reacting like a teenager. This was ridiculous.
‘I’ll just grab a beer,’ he said and headed for the bar. He grabbed a schooner and returned to their table. ‘So the florist. I’m sure you’re going to rock it.’
‘I’ve asked Zoe if she wanted to make some flower arrangements for the Christmas in July event. It would be great advertising for the shop and showcase her skills. I hope you don’t mind,’ Harper said.
‘Mind? No way. That’s a fantastic idea.’
‘Thanks Brookes. I’m not sure I know what I’m doing, but I’d like to give it a go. And I have to start somewhere. Harper said to go for it, even if I’m afraid.’
‘She’s right,’ Brookes said.
‘I told her she should take some of her own advice,’ Zoe added.
‘Good advice.’ He lifted his glass to do a cheer, then took a sip. ‘Not sure she’s the type to listen, though.’
‘What is that supposed to mean?’
‘Exactly that.’ He didn’t mean to come out with so brusquely and knew that it wasn’t the way to entice her to stay. ‘Sorry, just one of those days.’
‘Hmm. I’m just going to go to the bathroom.’
Harper left the table and Brookes sighed and took another swig of beer.
Zoe touched his arm. ‘If you love her, don’t give up.’
‘Everyone keeps telling me that, but it seems like I’m a lost cause.’