Page 88 of A Vineyard for Two
‘What are you doing here, Sara?’
‘I can go if you don’t want me here, but…’
He shook his head. ‘No. Stay.’
Finally, Harper let out a breath. All was well; at least for the time being.
A local winemaker started talking to her, and she only noticed from the corner of her eye as Leo and Sara disappeared into the sitting area. Harper smiled and continued her conversation with the winemaker. They would need someone for the vineyard, and he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, especially having worked with Hugh in the past. Maybe, for the first time in a long time, things were falling into place, and Hugh knew what he was doing when he decided to leave his life’s work to them.
As the fire crackled gently in the corner, laughter circulated the room, voices talking animatedly over one another as wine was poured and the food devoured. She watched with awe and wonder. They had pulled it off, and it was better than she could have imagined it. The only person missing was Tyler, but he’d messaged from wherever he’d been stationed, promising to make the next one.
Halfway through the evening, Georgia stood up and clunked a fork gently against her glass. Everyone in the room silenced and turned to look at her.
‘I want to say a few words on behalf of Hugh,’ she started. ‘I’m sure he is looking down on us from somewhere right now and smiling or wishing he could tell us we should have done something a different way, his way. Maybe not. Harper and Brookes did an amazing job, bringing this beautiful inn back to life. When Hugh decided to leave this inn as part of his inheritance, he wanted it to go to someone who would appreciate it and love it as much as he did. It wasn’t a decision he made lightly.’
‘Harper, Brookes, Zoe, and Leo have worked tremendously hard over the past ten days to bring this event back to life. Christmas in July was always a special time for Hugh. It was the night where he put on a feast for the town and celebrated with them. The rest of the year, he worked day and night to bring the community incredible wine and a warm place for visitors to stay at.
‘Harper and Brookes, thank you for making this evening one we won’t forget. And I truly hope, as everyone else does, that this won’t be the last Christmas in July that you host. Cheers.’
Georgia lifted her glass, and everyone stood to cheer.
Brookes stood and gave a brief speech, then Harper followed it up with a thank you before being immersed in conversations about the future of Mathers Vineyard and all that it would entail.
Four weeks later
Harper smiled as soon as she passed The Big Apple in Thulimbah. She left the window open with her hair blowing in the wind. Only three days earlier, she’d handed in her resignation. There were no questions, only sincere understanding. They didn’t have to know that it had been her intention all along. The situation with David just provided her with extra motivation to change course.
When she pulled into the driveway at the family estate, Georgia was sitting on the veranda, wearing a straw hat and sipping on a drink. Her aunt smiled and waved as soon as Harper got out of the car. Georgia looked much better than she had when she first got out of the hospital, there was colour back in her cheeks and the cheeky spark in her eye. Under strict doctors’ orders, she was to take it easy. From the phone calls with Zoe, it was a full-time job keeping her away from the hard work.
‘The boys are in the vineyard,’ Georgia said.
Harper went towards her, and they embraced. ‘No surprise there. How are you feeling?’
‘They’re torturing me with all this rest. Zoe even arranged for the crocheting ladies to visit tonight. What in heaven’s name have I done to deserve that cruelty?’
Harper laughed. ‘You’re going to love it. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two.’
‘Not if you want to keep your fingers.’
‘Alright, well, no crocheting for me then. I’ll just hang out and watch.’
‘How long are you here for? I don’t want you stopping your life just because you feel guilty for me.’
‘No guilt. I’m staying for good. Mathers Vineyard needs an assistant innkeeper.’
Just then, she heard someone come up behind her. She turned to see Brookes standing at the bottom of the stairs. Sweat trickled down his cheek and there were dirt stains on his hands and clothes. He wiped his forehead, leaving a trail of dark grey across it.
‘Did I hear that right?’
Harper nodded and smiled. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’
He swept her up in his arms and kissed her on the lips. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was finally home.