Page 115 of Her Summer Hope
"Taking Aiden to get fitted for his new prosthetics," Kyle replied.
Wyatt grinned. "New legs, huh? I know what the first thing you'll be doing with those. Finding yourself a pretty girl and getting horizontal."
John just shook his head and shredded a piece of paper while Aiden chuckled.
"Alright, that's my cue," Kyle said, standing up. "Let's go, Aiden."
The drive to Aiden's prosthetic appointment was a quiet one. Aiden stared out the window, face half-hidden by his long brown hair. He seemed to retreat into himself, reverting back to the silent, brooding soldier who had first arrived at McClellan's Hope weeks ago.
Kyle glanced over at him. "Nervous?"
Aiden gave a barely perceptible nod.
"That's normal," Kyle said gently. "But pretty soon having legs again will feel like second nature. You'll be wondering why you didn't get fitted sooner."
"Maybe," Aiden murmured.
Kyle reached over and gave his shoulder a supportive squeeze. "It's going to change your life. I promise."
Aiden managed a small, hopeful smile in return.
At the prosthetist's office, Aiden was fitted with his new state-of-the-art prosthetic legs by a competent-looking guy. After making some minor adjustments, the technician had Aiden stand up. Gripping the parallel bars on either side of him, Aiden slowly straightened, balancing on his new limbs.
Kyle held his breath as Aiden cautiously lifted one hand off the bar. Then the other. For the first time in over two years, he was standing freely on his own two feet.
"Well, go on then," the technician encouraged. "Give them a try."
Brow furrowed in concentration, Aiden took one halting, unsteady step forward. Then another. And another. Sweat beaded his forehead, but a huge grin lit up his face.
Kyle cheered, pride swelling in his chest. "That's it, brother. You've got this."
After a few more painstaking steps, Aiden sank back down into the chair, exhausted but exhilarated.
Kyle squeezed his shoulder again. "I'm proud of you, man. Big first steps today—literally."
Aiden let out a shaky laugh. "Yeah. Feels pretty damn good."
On the way back home, Aiden started a conversation with Kyle, and Kyle took that as a win.
Back at McClellan's Hope, Murdock was waiting in the driveway as Kyle's truck pulled up. He stood next to Jace and Neil, who both looked eager to see how Aiden's appointment had gone.
As soon as Aiden climbed out of the passenger side and Kyle got out the case containing his prosthetic limbs, Murdock clapped him on the back. "Well, look who's got his legs back! You ready to strap on a ruck and go for a hike, pretty boy?"
Aiden laughed, brushing his shaggy hair out of his face. "Not just yet, man. Baby steps." Relief was evident in his voice and posture now that the big appointment was behind him.
Jace gave Aiden an approving nod. "It's a start. That's something to celebrate."
"Damn right it is," Murdock agreed in his typical gruff manner. But his eyes held a glimmer of pride for his fellow veteran.
A little while later, Kyle sat in his office going through bills and paperwork. Managing McClellan's Hope kept him busy, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
He came across an application from a young veteran whose injuries required more care than they could provide. With a heavy heart, Kyle wrote a referral for a VA facility that was better equipped to help. He made some calls to smooth the way, hating to turn anyone away but knowing their limitations.
Kyle sighed and leaned back in his chair. Some days were harder than others. But the work was important and so very worth it.
At three, Maddy arrived with the kids in tow. Kyle's face lit up when he saw them. He drew Maddy into his arms for a lingering kiss, the first real public display of affection they'd shared in front of the children.