Page 117 of Her Summer Hope
It wasn't a question.
"Madison?" Kyle nodded. "She's it for me."
"Hmph." He took a long pull from his beer. "Reckon she must be something special then.”
"She is." Kyle searched for the words to convey what Madison meant to him. "It's more than just physical. We connect on every level. She sees me, scars and all, and loves me anyway. I can be fully myself around her, messed up parts and all, and she accepts me."
Murdock grunted, but Kyle could tell he'd gotten through to him. His friend might put on a tough front, but there were some wounds that cut too deep to ever fully heal. Not without the love and acceptance of someone special.
"Maybe she's not like the others," Murdock admitted grudgingly. "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna start trusting her kind." His mouth twisted.
It was as close to approval as Kyle was likely to get. He clapped Murdock on the shoulder, understanding passing between them, as words so often couldn't. "Wyatt’s headed into town if you want to join him. Try to keep him out of trouble."
Murdock huffed out a humorless laugh. "That'll be the day. But I reckon someone's gotta make sure he don't get his fool head blown off." He crushed the empty beer can in one fist and stood. "Keep your girl close, Rev. The good ones are rare."
"Will do." Kyle rose as well, gripping Murdock's arm briefly. "You know where I am if you need anything."
Murdock gave a sharp nod and stalked off into the forest, back straight and head high. But some of the darkness had lifted from his eyes, and Kyle smiled as he made his way back home.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The morning sun bathed Madison's kitchen in a warm, golden light. It streamed through the window, casting a soft glow on the countertops and appliances.
She stood at the stove, humming softly as she flipped bacon in a sizzling skillet. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the enticing scent of the food.
Madison's heart swelled with contentment as she moved about the kitchen, feeling at peace for the first time in what seemed like years.
Her cheeks flushed a rosy hue as she thought about Kyle, who had become such an integral part of their lives in such a short time.
"Breakfast is ready!" Madison called out, setting plates piled high with eggs, bacon, and toast on the table.
Kyle entered the room, his arm draped over Ellie’s shoulder as he poked James in the side, making him laugh. Jack snuck out from the pantry and dashed over to Ellie and started tickling her. The situation quickly devolved from there into a war.
"Mom! Make him stop!" the little girl squealed, dissolving into giggles as James squirmed away and started attacking Kyle in return.
"Alright, you guys," Madison laughed, waving them towards the table. "Call a cease-fire. Time to eat."
As they all settled around the breakfast table, the room filled with laughter and gentle teasing.
"Mom, can we go to the park today?" Jack asked.
"Sure, sweetheart," Madison replied, smiling at the excited look on his face. She didn’t often have the time to take them to fun places and she missed it.
"Great idea," Kyle chimed in, grinning conspiratorially at the children. "Maybe I can teach you all some new basketball moves."
"Like you could keep up with us, old man!" James retorted, sticking his tongue out at Kyle playfully.
"Old man?" Kyle feigned offense, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "I'll have you know, young man, I'm still spry enough to outplay you any day!"
"Ooh, big words," Madison teased Kyle, her eyes dancing with mirth. "You sure you can back that up?"
"Of course," Kyle replied confidently, putting a hand on her thigh under the table. "Just you wait and see."
Her cheeks heated at his double-entendre.
After breakfast, Madison began clearing the dishes while Kyle took charge of helping the children with their morning routine. He knelt beside James, patiently tying his shoelaces as he chattered away about his excitement for their upcoming trip to the park.