Page 23 of Her Summer Hope
The afternoon light backlit her, making the dark red highlights in her hair stand out. She had a perfect hourglass shape with just the right amount of curves, though he desperately tried not to notice.
He also tried not to notice the fact that she was practically glowing as she watched him walk toward her. Something about her was very attractive, but it was more than just her pretty face and figure. There was something…undefinable, some internal characteristic maybe. Whatever it was, it was potent.
He saw her swallow and slowed even more, pasting a reassuringly gentle look on his face. He knew what he usually looked like, and it would be far too intense for someone so anxious. Part of his job overseas had been studying body language and learning how to use his own looks and bearing to either put people at ease or make them nervous.
Negotiations with village elders often required very intense meetings where the wrong body language could break a deal and send them running to support the Taliban.
Needless to say, he was very well-versed in its usage.
He smiled, a genuine smile, and held out his hand. “I’m Kyle. That was Wyatt Evans. Avoid him like the plague.”
“Heard that!” Wyatt called from the employee hallway on his way to the back door. Knowing him, he was sneaking some leftover breakfast from the kitchen first.
She smiled a little and he relaxed. Maybe Wyatt hadn’t completely ruined their chances of getting some decent suppers.
She finally took his offered hand and he suddenly wished she hadn’t. It felt fragile and soft and fit in his just right. He gave her a slight shake and found, like Wyatt, that he didn’t want to turn her loose.
She was going to think he was just as much a horndog as Evans was.
He pulled away and had the sudden feeling that he had met her before. He frowned and studied her face.
They hadn’t though, had they?
It was preposterous because he never forgot a face, and he was damned sure that he wouldn’t ever forget hers. Not in a million years. “Have we met before?”
“I don’t think so,” she said, looking amused.
Huh. “Well, come on in and I’ll show you where you’ll be working.”
He shut the door behind her and led her into the large living room area that served as a lobby and reception room. He pointed out the large fireplace that they would use in fall and winter, then the bookcases lining the walls.
“I wasn’t expecting a desert theme,” she said as she wandered over to the longhorn skull above the fireplace.
“Yeah, you’d think that would be the last thing we’d want here,” he said wryly.
“Oh, because of the wars and all that,” she said.
“Yeah. This is a bit different than it was over there though. Not nearly so many overstuffed sofas,” he said, grinning. “The designers insisted that it would be comfortable and restful.”
She chuckled and asked. “You were over there too?”
He felt the grin melt away and he gave her a brief nod. “Many times.” He abruptly looked away and hoped the memories didn’t interrupt his tour. He gestured for her to follow, and he led her up the large opulent staircase.
“It looks like the staircase from that Stephen King movie about the haunted hotel,” she said.
He stopped, mouth dropping as he walked back down and studied the stairs. “My God, it does,” he said. “I never noticed it before.” He turned back and smirked. “I can guarantee these will be a lot less eventful.”
“Hope so, or you might want to consider upping your insurance,” she joked.
He chuckled and continued to show her the inside of the chalet, pointing out the elevator and the wheelchair-accessible rooms. All the bathrooms were specially designed and he was proud of the foresight and planning that had gone into each one.
Each room was slightly different. He wanted the place to have a home-like feel to it instead of a hotel or rehabilitation facility. Judging by the look on her face, they’d nailed it.
“This place is so beautiful!” she said, caressing the wood walls of the upper floor.
He checked his watch. “It’s getting late. Let me show you the kitchen and dining room and I’ll let you get started.”
“Sounds good,” she said, but her smile dimmed a little and there was a tentative note to her voice that threw him off.