Page 65 of Her Summer Hope
“What happened?” he asked, suddenly alert and taking her arm and leading her to the sink.
“It’s nothing, just a little burn from the grease,” she said, surreptitiously wiping her eyes while he examined her arm.
“This isn’t nothing. It’s already blistering. It has to hurt,” he said, looking down at her face.
“It stings,” she conceded. “I’ll be fine. You can’t be a cook and not expect to get burned now and then.”
He sighed and smiled a little. “I guess there are more dangerous jobs,” he allowed.
She grinned as he ran cool water over the burn, gently clasping supporting her arm over the sink. “One or two, I guess.”
He chuckled.
“So, who are your friends?” she asked, once again wishing she had some kind of brain-to-mouth filter around him. She just hoped she wasn’t being as obvious as she thought she was.
They looked out the window to where one of the blondes was attempting to talk to Murdock, who was sullen and inching farther and farther away from her.
Another half a minute, and he’d be in the woods.
She snorted. “He’s trying to escape,” she pointed out.
Kyle laughed and grimaced. “I don’t blame him. It’s tough to have a serious conversation with Malibu Barbie.”
“That was mean!” she said, incredulously. It was, but she couldn’t help the secret pleasure his comment caused. “They could be really nice people.”
“You haven’t talked to them yet,” he pointed out with a grimace. “It’s bad. I don’t even know where Evan’s picked them up from.”
“The mall?” she joked.
“Or the neon pink building behind the mall,” he laughed and shut off the water before inspecting the burn again. She didn’t fail to notice that he hadn’t released her arm. “Better?”
She nodded. “I’m fine.”
“I know you are,” he said, studying her intently. “You’re always fine.”
She looked away. “Not always.”
“If you ever need to talk…ever need anything…”
“I know,” she assured him. “I appreciate it.”
He was gently rubbing small circles over her wrist with his thumb, and she wasn’t sure if he even realized it. She swallowed hard against the burgeoning feelings that sparked between them.
She jumped as she remembered the fryer and tried to pull away. “The fries!”
He stopped her, gripping her wrist and holding her in place. “I’ll do it. Stay away from the fryer.”
“It’s my job,” she reminded him.
He turned back and gave her a grin that had her wanting to do many things with him, none of which were appropriate.
“I’m the boss remember?” he said. “I can do whatever I want and I want to cook the fries.”
Chapter Sixteen
Kyle kept an eye on everything that was happening as he sipped his beer.