Page 36 of Long Hard Road
“It’s a long story.” Madison rubbed a thumb over the top of her mug. “Eli, how much did Kaylie tell you?”
“She told me about the tracker you found on your car. Honestly, Madi, that was all I needed to hear. I got on the next flight out.” Ellison wasn’t as imposing now that most of his anger had faded. “Are there other things I need to know about?”
Madison looked at me and nodded. “Yes. There have been some threats.”
I had insisted she keep the letter from the flowers as well as the napkin from the bar and she laid both of them on the island counter as she explained where each of them had been found. She kept her eyes on Ellison as he carefully examined each threat.
“These were found on the same day?” he asked.
“Yes.” Madison hugged her arms around her chest. Ellison’s frown dipped lower and his eyes narrowed.
“What’s that look?” I put an arm around Madison’s shoulders and felt relieved when she leaned into me. I’d thought she might try to downplay our relationship in front of Ellison. Maybe default to me being the neighbor rather than the guy she’d slept on top of last night.
“It’s a little strange that a stalker would make contact in such quick succession. Usually, there is some ramp-up time.” Ellison looked at me. “You were with her yesterday when both of these notes were found?”
“Yeah. We spent the day together on my family ranch and that note was with the flowers on her porch when we got back. That other note was found after we were together in the bar all night.” I didn’t love the way his eyebrows drew together. “Why?”
“It seems like you may be the catalyst for the threats. The stalker was probably content to watch Madison from afar until they saw her with you.” He thought for a moment and added, “Or, and this is a stretch, maybe you pissed someone off and they are targeting Madison in revenge. They might not even know who she really is.”
“But that first threat was clear about me leaving being the reason they are pissed off.” Madison inched closer to my side and I tightened my arm around her.
“It doesn’t technically say that you left or that they would always find you. Have you moved recently, Nate?” Ellison had pulled his phone from his pocket and was in the process of unlocking it.
“No. I’ve lived in Crestwood for the last couple of years.”
“Well, I need your details so I can run a full background check. We do that with anyone who becomes part of Madison’s life. And we’ll need you to sign an NDA as well.”
Madison’s hand clutched at my shirt. “Eli, we don’t need to do that. Nate isn’t going to do anything to hurt me.”
“You didn’t think those other assholes would hurt you either, Madi, and now you ran away because of the shit they pulled.” He was typing furiously on his phone. “I’m having Kaylie send over the paperwork. If you don’t want me to drag your ass back to Nashville, you’ll have him sign it.”
“Don’t talk to her like that.” I wasn’t someone who angered quickly, but I couldn’t stand when men treated women like they were property rather than people. “If she doesn’t want to go back to Nashville, you’re not making her go. And if you try, I will make sure you regret it.”
Ellison just laughed. “Good work, Madi. You found yourself an alpha.”
“Fuck off.” This guy was at the top of my shit list.
“Eli, I pay you to protect me, not to be an asshole.” She was clearly used to his antics based on her exasperated sigh.
“I need to go back to my hotel and get the paperwork printed. I need you to promise me that you will stay here behind a locked door.” Ellison looked at me again. “It would make my life easier if you would stay with her, but I can’t make you do that.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good. I’ll be back shortly.” He gave Madison a pointed look. “Make sure I don’t interrupt anything this time, okay?”
I waited until the door shut behind him before saying, “I don’t like him.”
“A lot of people don’t. He’s good at his job, though. The best in the business.” Madison sighed when I pressed a kiss to her temple. “You don’t have to sign anything, Nate. I would never make you do that.”
“We have some things to discuss. Based on how that conversation goes, I’ll consider signing whatever you put in front of me.”
She nodded slowly. “Okay. We should be seated for this conversation.” Then she smiled slightly as she looked at me. “You should probably put on a shirt or I’m going to have a hard time focusing.”
“Thinking about that shower, huh?” I teased.
She blushed all the way to the roots of her hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been staring like that. That was inappropriate.”
“Angel, next time you catch me in the shower I expect you to do a lot more than stare. I expect you to join me.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead and then took her hand to lead her to the sofa. The cushions were still indented from where we had laid all night.