Page 53 of Long Hard Road
“You didn’t tell Emma?” I asked Evan.
He shook his head. “I didn’t want to answer a million questions and listen to her beg me for hours to meet Madison. It was just easier not to say anything. She’s going to be so pissed at me when she finds out.”
“Can you keep it from her for another week?” Madison asked hopefully. “I just want a few more days before the whole town finds out. Maybe I could meet Emma next weekend at dinner?”
“I won’t tell her,” Evan promised. “It would be fun to surprise her next Sunday.”
“Cool. Thanks.” Madison’s eyes darted to me. “Oh, um, is that okay with you?”
“Didn’t you listen to Dad? You don’t need my permission to be here for dinner.” I gave her a reassuring smile. “We should head out. It’s supposed to start snowing again soon.”
“Yeah… snow…” Chase chuckled. “I’m sure that’s why you are so eager to get Madison home.”
“Charles.” Dad practically growled his name. Everyone started laughing because Dad only used his kids’ given names when he was incredibly frustrated or disappointed in them.
It took another thirty minutes for everyone to say their goodbyes and head outside. Light flurries had already started to fall when I opened the passenger door for Madison. Harper honked as she pulled away and we both waved.
“Thanks for letting Harper bring me tonight. I had a really fun time.”
“You’re thinking about that sunset, aren’t you?” I teased, tugging lightly on her hair. As her cheeks flushed, my blood started rushing too. I’d never had that kind of biological response to any other woman. “I’m sorry I didn’t invite you myself, angel. I loved showing you off to my family.”
“Your family is great. I almost feel bad for taking their money.”
I chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Don’t forget that you took my money, too.”
“I’ll make it up to you when we get home,” she promised.
“Damn right, you will. Get in the truck, babe.”
It was snowing harder as I drove toward the main road. Madison was looking out both sides of the truck. “I don’t see Jason anywhere.”
“Jason? We’re not at Crystal Lake, Madison.”
“Not hockey mask Jason,” she said with a laugh. “The bodyguard who followed me out here. He was going to wait in his vehicle at the entrance so I wouldn’t have to explain his presence to your family.”
“Did he know that you’d be leaving with me instead of Harper?”
“Shit. No, I forgot to tell him. He probably followed her truck out of here.” She looked at the time on the dashboard. “The bodyguards are due to switch out in less than an hour and Gino will be at the cabin when we get there.”
“Plus, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“I don’t know. You did have me moaning earlier.”
I reached over and put a hand on her thigh. “You’re not having any regrets, are you?”
“Only that we stopped so soon.” Her hand was warm on top of mine. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
“Yeah, angel. I’ll stay.” It bothered me that she’d sounded nervous when she asked. As if she thought I might say no. As if she thought that I actually could say no. I wouldn’t just be staying with her tonight. I’d be staying as long as she let me.
It wasn’t that late when we got back to the cabin, but I was tired. It was probably a combination of getting up early, not having enough caffeine, and drinking too many of Ronan’s margaritas that had me yawning and ready to curl up in bed.
Nate admitted that he was tired, too, and we took turns in the bathroom to brush our teeth and get ready for bed. I was surprised to find him lingering in my doorway as I pulled back the covers.
“What are you doing?” I asked.