Page 39 of Touch of Chaos
“I know. You’re right. Really, though. I’ll be fine.”
“Tell that to the tear that just rolled down your cheek.” She pulls me in for a hug, which is a little awkward now that she’s getting so big, but I appreciate the gesture.
I also feel like a complete asshole for ruining the mood. Swiping a hand under my eyes, I mumble, “This is supposed to be about you, not me.”
She clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes once she lets me go. “Please. I’m not some heartless monster. You’re obviously going through it. I want to be here for you.”
She does, too. No matter what she’s been through, she is always loving and kind. It’s easy to see why Quinton fell for her.
Can I trust her? She’s never given me any reason not to, but then I’ve never told her anything this enormous. There are a lot of implications in something like this.
“I have to tell you something.” Now my heart is racing and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be sick, but at the same time, I don’t want to stop. I want to tell her. I can’t go through all of this on my own.
“You can tell me anything.” I notice the way she looks around to make sure neither of the guards has gotten any closer.
“I think… I think I might be pregnant, too.”
Her eyes fly open wide, and her mouth falls open before she catches herself. “Oh. Wow. Really? That’s… great?” She winces, gritting her teeth. “Sorry. I don’t know how you feel about it. How do you feel about it? I should’ve asked you that first.”
“It’s okay. I’m… I mean, I want to be happy, but…”
“I get it. Believe me.” She’s chewing her lip and there’s concern in her eyes as they search my face. “Your dad and your brother will have some pretty strong feelings about it.”
“I know, I know.” I roll my eyes and blow out a frustrated sigh. “Which is why I haven’t said anything yet.”
“How far along are you? Do you know?”
“I really don’t. I only know I’m super late. I was late even back at the cabin before I came home. And Ren didn’t use protection, so…” I can only shrug since it seems pretty obvious to me.
I can almost hear the plan click together in her head, while a look of determination hardens her features. “Okay. Here’s what we’re going to do.” If anything, I’m glad to hand the reins over to somebody else, so I don’t have to be the one thinking about things for once. “We’re going to have the driver take us to the pharmacy so you can get a test and make sure. I mean, you need to start taking vitamins and all that. The sooner, the better. We don’t want to lose any more time, right?”
Now, I’m so glad I told her. She has the luxury of seeing all of this from the outside, so she can think clearer than I can. “I’m in your hands.”
“Leave it to me.” Even though we haven’t bought anything, she links her arm with mine and leads me out of the store with the guards on our heels. Once we’re inside the car, she says, “Take us to the nearest drugstore, please.”
He looks at us in the rearview mirror. “That wasn’t planned on.”
“Well, sometimes lady problems aren’t planned on, you know?” Somehow, she manages to keep a straight face while he goes beet red in the mirror before starting the engine.
The closest store is only a few blocks away, as it turns out. She comes in with me but the bodyguards stand outside—-turns out even big, tough bodyguards don’t want to be around when lady problems are mentioned. I would laugh if I had it in me. Right now, I’m a little too nervous. I feel like there’s a spotlight on me as we walk down the aisle and come to a stop in front of a shelf full of various tests.
“Which one do I even take?” I can’t stop looking around, expecting somebody to discover us.
“Here. This one tells you in plain English whether you’re pregnant or not.” She thrusts the box into my hands, and we go up to the register, where my legs shake the whole time, and I can barely get through the entire transaction.
“I’m so nervous,” I whisper, eyeing the front door, expecting one of the guards to come looking for us. “What if they want to see what I bought?”
Aspen winces, then looks around. “There’s a bathroom in the back,” she whispers, tugging me in that direction rather than heading for the exit. “Come on. It’s only supposed to take three minutes to process.”
I can’t believe I’m doing this. Sneaking into a public restroom, peeing on a stick, then waiting what feels like forever. Three minutes have never lasted so long. Aspen waits for me outside, and under the door, I can see her shadow passing back and forth as she paces. I always did want a sister. So far, she’s pretty much the coolest one I could ever imagine having. No way could I get through this without her.