Page 48 of Touch of Chaos
The closer we get to the door, the louder the voices get from inside the room along with my mother’s sobbing. Q opens the door and we all step inside.
The room falls silent.
“What the fuck, Quinton?” Xander growls, scolding his son. “What the hell are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that we need Ren right now and there is no reason he shouldn’t help. He already knows Rebecca and her compounds?—”
“We can’t take the risk,” Xander cuts in. “What if he has one of his episodes?”
“River wants the same thing we want right now,” Q points out.
“It’s true, even if I turn into River now, he would head straight to Rebecca to get Luna. She is his sister too. One of the reasons he told me to get away from you all in the beginning was to keep Luna safe. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.” It’s still weird as fuck talking about River like this now that I know he only exists in my head, but it is what it is. I can’t change how fucked up I am. At least not right away.
“I know you don’t like this,” my dad addresses Xander, “But I would feel better if Ren is with us too. Like Quinton says, he knows the place.”
“So do I,” Scarlet says determinedly.
Quinton, Xander, and I shake our heads at the same time. “You are not coming,” Xander tells Scarlet in a stern voice, answering her unspoken question.
Scar frowns and folds her arms in front of her chest but doesn’t disagree, even though I know she wants to. She knows there is no way they would let her go with us.
The room falls into a tense silence. My mom is still quietly sobbing. My dad is next to her on edge, and Xander is staring out the window like the answers are about to fly past it.
“Let’s just stop thinking about it and just do what we do best,” Quinton announces.
“And what’s that?” Xander questions.
Q rolls his eyes. “Killing everyone who crosses us,” he says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Xander rubs his chin. “He isn’t wrong. We are good at that.”
If this situation wasn’t so serious, I would laugh at the way he is talking about killing people.
Xander suddenly looks at me, his expression stern. “Tell me everything you know about Rebecca and where she could be hiding.”
“Since you stormed New Haven to get me and Scarlet out. I’m guessing they have moved to a different location. Rebecca isn’t stupid. She probably already had a second location set up. And I think I might know how to find it.”
“Please share it with the class,” Quinton jokes.
“When I was watching the compound a few months ago, I noticed they would keep carrying stuff into one building, but they never carried it out. It was an unnatural amount of supplies and guns, much too large to hold by the small building, which led me to think there might be a tunnel underneath. That would also explain how Rebecca got away so fast when you came for us.”
“A tunnel makes sense. We didn’t do a thorough sweep while we were there. After we got you out, we just left but have been keeping tabs on the property, and Rebecca has not returned. However, some people are still living in New Haven and guards have resumed their positions.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Quinton questions impatiently. “Let’s get this show on the road, fuck some people up.”
“The main mission here is to get Luna back, unharmed,” Roman presses. “Then we can fuck some people up… I mean I’m all about it, but Luna first.”
“Agreed.” Xander gets up from his chair. “Let me gather a team, we’ll gear up and leave as soon as possible.”
Scarlet gives her brother and father a hug as they make their way out of the office while my dad holds onto my mom for a few minutes, letting her sob into his chest.
When my dad releases her, she falls into my arms next. She smells like home and my childhood. Warm and safe. I hold her tight as she whispers encouragements into my ear. “You’ve got this. Just be careful and stay close to your dad. I know you’ll find your sister and bring her home. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Mom,” I respond before finally letting her go.
Xander, Q, and my dad are already out in the hallway, but Scarlet has been waiting patiently for me in the doorway. As soon as my mom steps aside, Scar closes the distance between us. I hold my arms open, and she falls into them like she belongs wrapped up in my hold. She buries her face in my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso so tightly that I’m surprised by her strength. I lay my chin on the crown of her head, enjoying her silky hair on my skin and the coconut scent of her shampoo.