Page 56 of Touch of Chaos
My hair is still damp when I put it up in a ponytail and exit my room quietly. On tiptoes, I walk down the dark hall to Ren’s room. I look left and right quickly, making sure no one is out here before I grab the door handle. The brass is cold against my warm hand as I turn the knob slowly until I hear the lock disengage.
I step into the dimly lit room, excitement filling my veins when I see a shirtless Ren sitting on the bed waiting for me. I close the door as softly as I can, locking it behind me just in case. Only when I spin back around to look at Ren, do I notice the dark expression on his face. His eyes are hooded, with an eerie shadow under them. His lips are pulled into a thin line, and his jaw is set tightly, as if he is grinding his teeth.
“River,” I whisper hesitantly, wondering if locking the door was a mistake.
“No, it’s me, but I guess you’d prefer it the other way,” Ren says darkly, while confusing the hell out of me.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Of course I want it to be you.” I take a few steps toward the bed, eating up the distance between us with each step.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Ren, what is this about? Please talk to me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me River fingered you? Is it because you enjoyed it too much?”
My face heats up with embarrassment. The short answer is yes, he is right. I didn’t tell him because I’m ashamed how much I enjoyed it.
“Cat got your tongue?” Ren taunts.
“Yes, River fingered me through the bars when he grabbed me. Yes, I enjoyed it more than I am willing to admit to anyone… maybe even to myself. I’m sorry, I should have told you.”
“Is there more you should have told me?” Ren questions through gritted teeth. I notice his hands are balled into tight fists next to him. A vein pulsing on his forehead. Why is he so angry?
“No, nothing else happened,” I say, my voice trembling slightly. My answer seems to only enrage him more. He gets up from the bed with a grunt, his muscles stiff as he paces through the room, only a few feet away from me. The tension in the room is high. If I had a knife, I could cut it, or maybe I need a knife to protect myself instead.
I’m so confused by his actions, all I can do is stand there like a deer caught in headlights.
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Scarlet. Tell me your secret.”
“I don’t have a secret,” I defend. “I don’t understand why you get so mad if River touches me. It’s still you, Ren. You are River, it’s your eyes I’m looking into, your hands on my skin. You act like I’m cheating on you, but I’m not. I love you, every part of you.”
“Stop lying and tell me the truth.” Ren yells at me so loudly I take a step backward.
“I don’t… I don’t understand…” I really don’t know what to say. What does he want me to tell him? “I don’t know what you want from me, but I’m not staying here so you can yell at me. I’m going back to my room until you calm down.”
I spin around and head for the door. A shiver runs down my spine when I hear Ren’s footsteps approaching. I reach for the doorknob, but before the cool brass meets my skin, Ren grabs me by the back of the neck and pulls me toward him. A scream threatens to rip from my throat as a hand slaps over my mouth.
A sinister laugh comes from behind me. “Fuck, that was just too easy.” I know right away I’m dealing with River now. It’s the sinister edge in his voice, the cruel way his fingers dig into my neck, and the way I’m yanked back against his chest. “Ren is so fucking predictable, just a little push of a button, and he loses control. And you, Angel. What am I going to do with you today?”
Fear slithers through my body like a dangerous snake. How far would River go to hurt me? The question evaporates into thin air when he pulls me closer to his body, grinding his erection into my ass. Maybe he doesn’t want to hurt me after all. I think it’s something else he has on his mind.
“Mhh, no bars between us today. So many things I want to do to you,” he whispers into my ear, his minty breath fanning over my cheek.
Another shiver runs through my body, but this time not because of fear. He lifts the hand from my mouth, only to run his palm down my body. “Let’s face it, you won’t scream, no matter what I do to you. You wouldn’t want your precious Ren to get in trouble.”