Page 62 of Desire
“He had some kind of psychotic break. Scared his poor girlfriend half to death.” Mom’s words trembled. “The doctors say he didn’t really hurt anyone, but...”
Emma was already on her feet, scrambling for her purse and keys. “I’m on my way. Which hospital?”
She ran out the door, thoughts of Dante and Kiki obliterated by blinding fear for her brother. Please let him be okay...
EMMA BURST THROUGH the hospital doors, heart in her throat. She spotted her parents huddled together in the waiting area, hands clasped tightly. Mom’s face was streaked with tears. Dad looked haggard, deep lines etched around his eyes.
“How is he? What happened?” The questions tumbled out as Emma rushed over to hug them.
“We don’t know much yet. They’ve got him sedated...” Dad’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat roughly. “Apparently he’s been on medical leave from the army. Should’ve been seeing a therapist after his last mission, but...” He shook his head. “He never told us. Bottled it all up inside until he just snapped, I guess.”
Emma’s chest tightened, her mind flooded with guilt. She should have known, should have noticed the signs. But she’d been so wrapped up in her own desires and frustrations that she hadn’t been paying enough attention to her brother.
The sharp click of high heels made her turn. Kiki stood in the doorway, a cardboard tray of coffees in hand.
“What are you doing here?” The bitter words flew out before Emma could stop them.
Kiki’s heavily made-up eyes widened and then, to Emma’s shock, she burst into tears. Mascara ran in black rivulets down her cheeks as she sobbed.
Dad lurched to his feet and grabbed the teetering coffee tray before it could spill.
“Emma!” Mom admonished sharply. “That’s no way to speak to Joey’s girlfriend. She’s upset too.”
Emma bit back a scathing retort. Kiki, upset? What a joke. The conniving little fame-chaser was probably thrilled to have more drama to splash across social media. But causing a scene wouldn’t help Joey.
Drawing a deep breath, Emma managed a tight smile. “Sorry. It’s been...a tough night.” The words tasted like ash, but she forced them out.
Kiki hiccupped and swiped at her ruined makeup. “I just wanted to be here for Joey. He means so much to me.”
Means so much to her follower count, more like. Emma fought down a surge of anger. Telling her parents what Kiki had done, that Kiki’s sickly-sweet attitude was a sham, wouldn’t solve anything right now. She had to focus on her brother.
Sinking into a hard plastic chair, Emma knotted her fingers together until her knuckles turned white. She tried to pray, but her thoughts scattered like frightened birds. How had things gone so wrong?
Dante strode into the waiting room, his features etched with concern. He halted abruptly when his gaze landed on Kiki, his eyes narrowing. The scheming influencer seemed to wilt under his piercing stare, shrinking back in her chair as if trying to disappear.
Emma surged to her feet and launched herself into Dante’s arms, clinging to his solid frame. His familiar scent enveloped her, a momentary respite from the sterile hospital air. She stretched up on her toes to whisper urgently in his ear. “Please, don’t say anything to Kiki right now. I know what she did was awful, but causing a scene will only upset my parents more.”
Dante’s jaw clenched, a muscle ticking in his cheek. Clearly, biting back his anger at Kiki took immense effort. But after a long moment, he gave a short nod, a silent promise to keep the peace for her family’s sake. Emma sagged against him in relief, infinitely grateful for his support.
Easing back, Dante kept an arm around her waist as he turned to her ashen-faced parents. “Any updates on Joey’s condition?” His deep voice remained carefully neutral despite the circumstances.
Dad shook his head wearily. “They sedated him when the ambulance brought him in. No one has been able tell us much more yet.” He scrubbed a hand over his haggard face.
“What happened?” Emma asked, though she dreaded the answer. “What made Joey lose control like that?”
Kiki spoke up, her voice quavering. “We were at Infinity, that new club downtown. The band was doing this whole crazy light show—fireworks, strobes, total blackout. It was wild.” She rubbed her arms as if chilled by the memory. “Suddenly Joey just freaked out. He grabbed me and hauled me toward the door. I’ve got the bruises to prove it.” Extending her arm, Kiki displayed livid finger-shaped marks on her pale skin.
Even though Kiki probably liked that, Emma’s stomach twisted at the ugly sight, at the thought of her gentle brother lashing out in a blind panic.
“That wasn’t the worst part though,” Kiki continued, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. “When the house lights came up, Joey started swinging at anyone within reach. He clocked a bouncer before they could get him under control. It was awful.”
Mom turned and buried her face in Dad’s shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her, looking grim and shattered. Emma’s heart cracked at the sight of her strong parents so devastated. Despite everything, Emma couldn’t help but feel a reluctant gratitude toward Kiki.
Beside her, Dante had gone preternaturally still. She could practically feel the fury radiating from him, knew his protective instincts had ratcheted into overdrive. But true to his word, he didn’t confront Kiki, offering her nothing more than an icy glare.
“Would you be comfortable if I acted as a go between with you and the hospital staff? It might cut through some red tape.” Dante asked her parents.