Page 8 of Alien Disgraced
I looked at him. “My safety? I don’t understand.”
“We don’t know what triggers me. Until we do, and the brainwashing is reversed, I could snap. I could turn violent and hurt you.”
“You wouldn’t do that.” I believed that with absolute certainty.
He grabbed his horns in frustration. “I don’t want to do that. But I could. We have no idea what’s been planted in my head. And the fact is, there are no guarantees I’ll ever be normal again.”
“I haven’t seen you do anything violent.”
“Since I got home, we’ve only been together on four occasions, counting this afternoon. We’ve never been alone. There have been people nearby who could protect you.”
I widened my eyes. “That’s why you arranged for us to meet in semi-public places.”
“You took me into the trees. We were alone there.”
He twisted his mouth. “With the guard a few exdats away, yelling at us. All you had to do was cry out, and he would have been there. But in your room? Behind soundproofed walls with the door sealed? No one would hear you. I’m sorry. I won’t risk your safety.”
I huffed and crossed my arms. “You’re being way too overprotective.” He frustrated me to no end. The brainwashing had undermined his self-confidence, but it sure hadn’t affected his stubbornness.
I’d known our relationship would be short-lived, since my days on Araset were numbered. But all along, I’d assumed we’d been moving toward a deeper, more intimate relationship. Now I realized we’d gone as far as we could go. As far as he would allow us to go.
I supposed I should be happy he was so noble and honorable, but that wouldn’t keep me warm at night. We had so darn little time. Our relationship was like a summer fling—only without the fling. And without the summer. “If you’re so certain you’re a threat to me, shouldn’t you avoid me completely?”
Shit! Why did I say that? What a way to make things worse. “You’re not going to?” I said, alarmed.
A tusk hooked on his lip as he smiled ruefully. “No. I should, but I’m selfish. I need to see you. You are the sole light in my bleak life. You make me happy. When I’m with you, I can forget my problems for a while. Ensuring we’re not alone is a compromise until my situation is resolved.”
Chapter Three
Bummed after the walk in the garden, I didn’t feel like seeing anybody, but I’d already agreed to have dinner with Jessie. If I didn’t show up, she’d be left to eat alone, so I trudged to the dining hall to keep her company.
To my surprise, Millie and Holly were there. The women sat at one end of the ginormous table. At least three meters across and way longer, the table accommodated seating for fifty—and still didn’t take up half the space in the cavernous chamber. Holly and Aeon lived in the royal section of the palace. Millie and Nadir bunked and ate in a special staff area. Holly and Millie and their bond-mates didn’t join me and Jessie for dinner often enough.
I eyed five place settings. I guessed one of the men wouldn’t be joining us tonight. “Who’s not coming? Nadir or Aeon?” I asked.
“Both. This is a girls’ night. The boys can fend for themselves,” Holly said.
“Then who is the extra setting for?” I looked at Jessie.
She shrugged. “They wouldn’t tell me.”
Holly and Millie exchanged a conspiratorial smile.
“What’s going on?” I glanced between the two of them.
“We have a special guest.” Holly’s grin widened.
“Me!” Giselle Cartier entered the dining hall.
“Giselle!” I ran over and hugged her as Jessie leaped from her chair.