Page 106 of Player For Hire
“Obviously, I’m not taking any of your money, Naomi, but this isn’t the real number?”
She grinned up at me. “That’s just fifteen percent.”
“Goddamn.” I lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her in the sunshine. “I am so proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without your lessons.”
“Pretty sure that’s a lie, but I don’t mind that being part of our story.”
She curled her arms around my waist. “Wait, did you say there were two things?”
“Remembered that, did you?”
“Of course. I love surprises.”
I stepped back and turned her toward the bookcase on the left. “Push on that little diamond-shaped piece of wood.”
She glanced over her shoulder, then her eyes went wide. “No.” She jumped up and down. “No way!”
“Well, push it.”
With a shaking finger, she pushed it in, and the bookcase slid to the side, showing off a secret room. She screeched and ducked inside.
It was clearly made to hide contraband from the prohibition era, but there was more than enough room to drag me inside. She pushed me onto the seat and straddled me. “Obviously, we have to christen this teeny-tiny room.”
I gripped her hips. “Obviously.”
“And every other room,” she said between kisses.
“Guess we’re going to be really busy.”
“Good thing we’ve got forever together.”
I gripped her hips and tipped her forward so she could feel just how much I liked that idea. “That is a very good plan.”
She ducked her head and smiled shyly up at me. “And just think, all of this started with just one lesson.”
“Well, you ruined the curve from day one, Miss Taylor.”