Page 21 of Player For Hire
“Or do you mean who is a player?” She arched an eyebrow, but she didn’t break our gaze.
“Fair.” I wasn’t offended. Not really, anyway. “The offer is there if you want a little research.” I slid my hand away from hers and she withdrew as well, but not before her gaze drifted to my mouth.
The fact that I missed her cool hand under mine made me itchy to move. Or I’d do something stupid like kiss her.
Sex was easy. Sometimes it scratched an itch, sometimes it helped to blow off steam, and sometimes it was just about connecting with someone for an evening. I had a strong suspicion that Naomi had never tried that in her life.
She had relationship goals written over her heart like a tattoo.
Forever with rings included.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.” I picked up my cup. “You’re gorgeous and there’s something there between us. Up to you if you want to act on it or we can just be friends. I’m good with whatever you decide.” I reached over and pulled that book back off the shelf. “I’m taking this home either way.”
Her cheeks pinked up again.
“You can borrow it when I’m done.” I stood up and held my hand down to her. “Want to go check out that bakery case downstairs? I think you’ll be interested in the selection.”
She slipped her hand into mine. “I could eat something.”
“There’s the spirit.” I pulled her up to her feet and swallowed down a groan when she swayed into me for a moment. She was soft everywhere and she smelled of books and rain and the underlying sweetness of raspberries from her hair.
I stepped aside to let her go ahead of me down the stairs, reluctantly letting her fingers go. I curled mine into my palm so I wouldn’t lace them with mine. Not sure what was going on with me. Maybe because I’d been bored for too long.
That had to be it.
She picked up her bag and slipped it over her shoulder. On the way down the stairs, I could already see her gaze flitting all over the lower level. Naomi definitely had an eye for the sparkly things. I spotted her gaze slip back to the little dragon from when we walked in.
While her attention was elsewhere, I snagged the blue and purple crystal little dude and tucked it into my palm, so she didn’t see it. “I’m going to go check out. I’ll meet you at the bakery?”
“Okay,” she said absently. She was already getting pulled toward a wall of mugs.
I made it through the line in no time and the checkout girl was nice enough to put it in a little box for me. By the time I met Naomi at the bakery case, she had a mug with a dragon on it in her hand.
“I really shouldn’t.”
“Why not? You said you got rid of most of your things, right?”
“I did.” She sighed gustily. “But I’m unemployed.”
“You don’t stop living when you don’t have a job, you know.”
“You sound like Iona.”
“She is wise.” I urged her toward the pastries. “Now pick out something decadent. I don’t want to eat alone.”
She nibbled on her lower lip.
“My treat.”
“You already bought me coffee.”
“Well, I do have a job and make amazing tips. I think I can handle a chocolate filled something in here for you and for me.”
“I just bet you do. Charmer.” She tapped her nail against her lip. “Everything looks amazing.”
“It is. Get whatever you like.” It didn’t normally take so much urging for the women I knew to get treated for food and coffee.