Page 36 of Player For Hire
I didn’t need to flash my ass at everyone in the hall.
I knocked.
And waited.
“This is stupid.” I fisted my hands at my sides. This was so dumb. He was probably sleeping. Or maybe he wasn’t even home. It was a gorgeous Saturday, and he might be out doing whatever it was he did when he wasn’t working.
Or maybe he was working the early shift at Lonegan’s. I hadn’t even asked.
I heard the ding of the elevator and squeaked.
Colder stepped off with a coffee in his hand and a white bag that said Honey Pot. “Hey, Naomi.” His temples were wet and there was a swath of wetness at the center of his chest.
“Hi.” I shoved my hands into my pockets. “I was”
He got closer and gave me a quizzical look. “It’s not raining.”
“Right. I...” This was so foolish. I was an absolute idiot.
“It was so nice I went out for a run.” His gaze slid down the jacket all zipped to my neck and then down to where the hem ended at the very tops of my thighs. He swallowed hard. “You’re in luck. I picked up two hot cross buns. Are you hungry, Naomi?”
I licked my lips. “Not for pastries.”
He got closer and he lowered his head. “Tell me you’re wearing something under that coat.”
“Oh, I’m wearing something.”
Visibly, relief washed over him.
Emboldened by his dilated eyes, I tugged the zipper down a little. “Not much, though.”
The bag crinkled under my grip as her raspberry scent slid over me.
Naomi standing outside my apartment was the first thing that rocked me. I’d nearly convinced myself last night was just a fever dream. She’d come to her senses, and we’d dance our way through days of embarrassment—mostly hers.
Then we’d just get back on track.
This had not been in any of my imaginings.
The elevator pinged again, and I eased her over to get my keys in the door before I hustled her inside.
“Someone was coming.” I threw my keys into the dish and dumped my wallet beside it. Cup and bag went next. I blew out a breath before I turned to her. Nope still there—still in that damn pink coat. It was zipped back up to her neck again and she rolled her foot to the side adorably.
Uncertainty flowed off her along with some embarrassment. There was the Naomi I’d been expecting.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I walked toward her, and she took a few steps back. Was I making her nervous?
Relief rolled through me. “How are you feeling?”
“A little ridiculous.” She licked her lips. “A little excited.” She toyed with the sleeve of her jacket with her fingers. “Interested in our next lesson.”