Page 42 of Player For Hire
His bright blue eyes seemed even more silvery in the sunshine as he stared up at me from between my thighs. “Usually being the operative word.” He stroked his hands down over my thighs and gripped them to splay them wide. Slowly, he worked his way up over the material covering me. His hot breath stalled there and he lightly tongued over the satin. “These gotta go.”
I nodded. “Agree. So agree.”
He curled his hands around my ass to drag the panties down, then he nipped my sensitive skin. He leaned back and looked down at me, his gaze trapped at the apex of my thighs.
I resisted the urge to slam my legs shut. I wasn’t used to having someone look at me so thoroughly. Or at least be so obvious about it.
He lowered his chest to the bed and nudged me wider with his shoulders. “I’ve wondered if you taste of raspberries here too. Or if it was just your shampoo that was so sweet.” He lapped over the skin just beside my pussy.
“Um, I don’t think I do.”
He grinned up at me and his hands slid up to my waist to hold me down then he ducked his head and stroked his tongue over the entirety of my center.
“Oh, God.” I tried to lift my hips, but he wasn’t having that.
“You good, Naomi?” He glanced up at me. “You taste good, but are you okay?”
I slid my fingers into his wet hair. “I’m good.”
And then I so wasn’t, but in the best way possible. His tongue was ridiculously adept in ways I didn’t even know was possible. Slow and soft, then hard and firm, I couldn’t catch my breath as he found every spot inside of me. Inside and out.
I tried to push up on my elbows, but I couldn’t quite manage it. All I could do was take it. His big hand covered my belly and he held me still as he sucked my clit until I thought the whole world would go dark. Then he released it and slipped two fingers inside of me as I shattered.
There couldn’t possibly be enough pieces of me left to put back together, but he showed me there was.
Then he rolled me over and slipped deeper as he steadily thrust his fingers deep into me. The friction of my body weight then his mouth on me was beyond intimate.
He lifted me onto my knees and rolled under me until my knees hugged his face. His wicked smile was slick with me, and I wanted to die a little, even as it excited me. Knowing he was enjoying it let me relax a little more.
I slipped my fingers into his hair as I hovered over him. “Is this my power?” I wasn’t even sure what I was saying at this point.
“Tell me what you want. What you need.” He gripped my ass until I tipped forward and he could taste me again.
“Your mouth on me. When you suck my clit. Hard.”
His silvery blue eyes lit with a fire that made me think of my dragons. Not simply blue, but crystalline. Hard and intense. The kindness wasn’t here now. There was something else there. Something I didn’t understand. But I wanted to. I ached to.
He dragged me tight to his mouth and then I couldn’t think. My brain was blissfully empty in ways it had never been.
I grabbed onto his head and held him tight to me. My other hand went to my breast as I plucked and twisted, searching out more of that spearing heat that had never been mine before.
My voice was hoarse as he stole everything from me and returned it with even more heat and bliss.
He rolled me and dragged me down the bed as he knelt between my thighs and took himself in hand. His big hand fisted around his cock ruthlessly and I was too shocked to touch. I wanted to, but he was so rough with himself that I felt helpless to touch him. He groaned as he came, the warmth of his cum slashing across my belly as he braced himself with his other hand on the bed.
“Fuck.” He threw his head back. The cords in his neck were stark with sweat as he heaved in a breath. “I’m sorry, Naomi. I didn’t mean to do that.”
I didn’t move as he backed off the bed and disappeared into another room.
I felt off balance and strangely euphoric as I touched my stomach.
He came back with a washcloth. “I had it under control until you rode my face.” He stroked the soft cloth over me slowly. “You’re so fucking beautiful, but when you come...” He groaned as he tossed the washcloth at the end of his bed. “I lost it that last time.”
I propped myself on my elbows. “You didn’t want to have sex with me?”
“I wanted it. But I wouldn’t have lasted—as you saw.”