Page 59 of Player For Hire
I added a lightweight sweatshirt in deference to the cooler temperatures, locked up, and I headed out. I was tempted to go down and check in with Naomi, but I didn’t want to look too fucking needy.
I was like a slobbering dog with her lately.
The lobby was blissfully quiet. It was my aunt’s one day off and the rain definitely kept people in their beds. Exactly where I should be, but it was what it was.
Our resident maintenance dude, Davis Shehan, was the only one around. He was fiddling with the large television over the fireplace. I paused on my way by.
“Everything cool with the TV?”
He pulled the arm of the wall mount out to get to the wires. “It’ll be ready for your crazy trivia deal, don’t worry.”
“You’re welcome to join us.”
Davis just grunted. “Pass.”
He wasn’t the most affable of people, but he was always on call, so I couldn’t blame him. There were a few pain-in-the-ass types in the building.
“At least stop by for some food. My brother is coming over with pizza and pasta.”
“That, I can do. Your brother’s pizza is the best.”
“Good. Catch you later then.”
Davis nodded and went back to the wires.
As I headed to the big glass doors, a familiar pink raincoat caught my eye. Damn, even when I tried to do something to get her out of my brain, there she was. She was tossing a smile over her shoulder at someone in the street.
My gaze tracked to who she was talking to, and I saw a guy with glasses who was entirely too focused on my girl.
Who was that?
The quick surge of annoyance made me bite back a growl. She wasn’t my girl, dammit. Not really. And that annoyed me all the more. She turned and saw me, and her quick, blinding smile beat back some of my pissy reaction. It wasn’t like I had any reason to be sideways about it. But she made me a little crazy.
Which was one more reason I should be pounding the pavement with a hard run. I pushed the door open. “Hey.”
“You’re up early.”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
She tucked her thumb into the strap of her bag to hike it up onto her shoulder. “Me neither. I went to get some writing done this morning.”
“That’s a good thing.”
“And I’m looking forward to more research today,” she said in a low voice.
Because that was what I was good for. Lessons. “Is that right? And what’s the subject of our lesson today?”
She nibbled her lower lip, then she seemed to notice my mood. She tipped her head. “Is something wrong?”
“No.” I shoved my fingers through my hair. “Just haven’t had my coffee yet.”
“Can I make you a cup?” She glanced down at my shorts. “Or are you going for a run?”
I nodded. “I need to take a run.”
“Oh.” Her summer sky eyes dimmed as she fixed the strap higher onto her shoulder. “Okay. I’ll just find you later.”
“Yeah. Sounds good.” I slipped past her. Annoyed at myself because my mood wasn’t her problem. I didn’t even know why I was in a fucking mood.