Page 63 of Player For Hire
I actually sagged against the wall as my brain shot offline for a few seconds.
More. I had no concept of time at this point.
Carefully, she tucked me back into my running shorts and stood up. She rose onto her toes. “Telling me I had power over you probably wasn’t wise, Professor.” She licked the corner of her mouth and ducked under my arm as the doors soundlessly opened. “I love a challenge.”
Then she darted out of the elevator.
The doors closed again, and I thudded my forehead against the wall. “Idiot.” I reached over to tap the third floor once more. My knees returned from their liquid status as I staggered off and down to my apartment.
I might have created a monster.
My heart was still pounding as the doors closed behind me.
I couldn’t believe I’d done that.
Those muscles, his hand on my neck, his taste—all of it had added to the thrill.
The power.
I’d never had power like that before. Never taken it so shamelessly. Because he’d been honest with me. Part of me knew that wasn’t how things usually were between people. But with class in session, I trusted him to tell me more than he usually would.
Than any other man would. It was for research.
To get into the mind of a man.
But what if it was more?
God, I was so hot and twisted up. How the heck was I supposed to go into the lobby like this? Iona would know something had happened.
She always freaking knew.
Music and laughter floated out from the lobby. I peered around the corner, surprised to see at least ten people out there.Nope, I couldn’t go out yet. I needed a second to get myself together.
I ducked into the bathroom and swore at how swollen my lips were. But man, the race to get him off had me freaking drenched and needy. I was tempted to duck into one of the bathroom stalls to take the edge off. Who the hell was I?
And why did it turn me on so much to go down on him?
Was it just Colder?
“It’s just fun, Naomi. Don’t get twisted up,” I said to my reflection as I washed my hands.“It’s just research. And finding out you have a bomb ass sex drive is a good thing.”
Excellent reminder—this was supposed to be fun. I could have fun. I was having fun. And the thrill of having someone like Colder get riled up about me was incredible. Even better, I could enjoy it without getting in over my head.
Before I could talk myself into freaking out, I slipped out of the bathroom and down the hall to the lobby.
Iona spotted me and lifted her wine glass. “What took you so long?” She waved me over. “Oh, wait—get a glass first.”
I stopped at the coffee bar and poured myself a glass of soda. I didn’t think wine would be a good idea just yet. Especially with the amount of drinking I’d done the night before.
With glass in hand, Iona introduced me to everyone. I couldn’t hold all the names in my head, but the laughter and camaraderie eased my usual social awkwardness. I’d lived in my building for four years and I was pretty sure I’d met only one of my neighbors.
The Heights had more community to it than I’d even had at the dorms. I probably wouldn’t have known anyone there either if Iona hadn’t adopted me.