Page 79 of Player For Hire
I’d watched her bloom in just a few days.
What would it be like to have forever with her?
My heart tripped, and I dropped onto my back as the reality of it smashed into me.
I cupped the back of her head and dragged her mouth to mine. “Sorry, just a little clumsy.” I gripped her ass and lined us up so I could finally get inside of her. I almost forgot the condom. I was stupidly distracted and that would have been hella stupid.
I reached over to the drawer and fumbled with a packet. Once I was suited up, I drove up into her. She splayed her hands over my chest and threw her head back as she took me deep. She was all golden perfection over me in the candlelight.
It flickered over her, throwing her in relief and shadow at the same time. Like one of the fantasy warriors in the books we both loved. Her hair was redder in this lighting, almost a flame flickering around her head as she rode me.
I rolled up to hold her tight to my chest as we became one unit of pleasure. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as we slowed from the manic pace. Sweat pooled between us as we both glistened from exertion.
Then her fingers tunneled through my hair as she sighed into my mouth.
I wrapped my arms around her to hold her tighter, almost as if I couldn’t let her go.
It wasn’t a game for me anymore.
It didn’t make sense to want more so fast, but I held on to her. Hoping that my feelings showed in each touch, each thrust inside of her, each moment we stole together.
Suddenly, she buried her face in my shoulder, and she dug her nails into me. I knew the signs for her now. Knew when to increase my pace. My thighs and abs burned, but I kept up each stroke until she shook around me. Her quiet sighs became a litany of jumbled words I couldn’t understand.
All except one.
My name.
Only then did I let myself go. Even if I wanted the moment to stretch forever, she broke over me and dragged me along until we both crashed back to the mattress. We were a tangle of arms and legs and laughter.
I needed the laughter to lighten the mood in my own mind or she’d probably run screaming down the hallway.
“Holy shit.”
She giggled and rolled into my side, resting her cheek on my sweaty chest. “I couldn’t say it any better.” She peered up at me. “I’m starving though.”
“Me too. I’ll get up in a second. I think.”
She pushed herself up and grabbed my shirt off the edge of the bed where she’d tossed it. “I’ve never had spaghetti by candlelight.”
“Me neither.” I laughed and tugged on my boxers. “Let me go finish up the last of it. Do you want to eat on the couch or bed?”
“Bed, if you’re okay with it.”
“You and a bed, I’m always good with.”
Her cheeks pinked up and I couldn’t resist leaning over for a kiss. “I’m just going to put in the garlic bread.”
She groaned and pulled a pillow in front of her chest. “I’m ready for all of it. Do you want help?”
“Nope. Stay right there.”
I was loathe to put on lights to bring any reality into our romantic little world, but I didn’t want to make a bigger mess than I already had in the kitchen. Quickly, I put the bread in to warm as I finished the pasta and made us up some bowls.