Page 23 of Shattered Magic
Lonny blinked, and his smile got even wider. “Good evening, sir.”
“Good evening, officer.”
“I will be on my way.”
Zerul pressed a kiss to Hari’s temple. “Solid idea. She will see you soon.”
Lonny nodded. “Have a nice time, Hari.”
“I probably will, but the night is young.”
Zerul squeezed her gently.
Lonny chuckled and left the party. As he was leaving, Eon and Vega walked in, dressed appropriately for the event. Both were wearing grey and dark bronze cocktail dresses, respectively.
Vega’s bronze dress gleamed, and her black hair was twisted over one shoulder to cascade down to her waist. Eon wore short, cropped hair and a grey dress. They smiled at Hari and walked over, ignoring the attention that they were gathering as they moved through the crowd of fifty extranaturals and local dignitaries.
Livia turned and walked toward them in her ivory dress, and when they all stood with Hari, she could swear she heard a gong ringing somewhere in the dream realm.
Benny was whispering to her companions, and all of them looked excited.
Hari looked around, saw her friends, and whispered, “What just happened?”
Zerul whispered in her ear, “The first demi-goddess council has convened.”
Vega snorted. “Not fucking likely.”
The others laughed. Hari was content to agree. How likely was it that they had come together because Zerul insisted on a consort?
Chapter Five
Hari got free of Zerul and hugged her friends. “So, Livia got a makeover.”
Livia flared her wings out, and Eon grinned and clapped her hands. Vega smiled and inclined her head. “You look lovely, Livia. But that is the way I have always seen you.”
Livia smiled. “But you aren’t looking through his eyes right now.”
“No. Just mine. He’s in here somewhere. There’s a body he wants to jump, so I am going to go for a walk to see if he can negotiate for possession.” Vega quirked her lips. “Fingers crossed that this bugger gets out of here.”
Eon smiled. “Will you miss the money?”
“No. I have enough to coast on until I figure out who I am again. Ta-ta.” She wiggled her fingers and turned toward the door that Orvuul had been dragged through.
Livia covered her mouth, and Hari watched Vega go.
Hari whistled softly. “Well, Orvuul can contain power.”
Livia nodded. “If not, he will explode like the others.”
Zerul asked, “What?”
“Oh, whatever is inside Vega tries to find a body now and then. He gets a volunteer and leaves Vega for a minute, and then the possible host explodes, and he returns to her.”
Zerul paused. “The host explodes?”
Eon nodded. “Oh, yeah. Kaboom!” She flexed her fingers in an outward burst. “It’s messy, and then they just disappear.”
He asked, “How many times has it happened?”